Mysteries and magical girls...
Raya! is a web-novel written by TV Troper Fourteenwings. It follows the lives of three teenagers living in Autumn Plains, Lauren Matthews, Brianna Winters and Micheal Peterson after they discover that Micheal's little brother, Joey, is missing. They soon find out that something big is going on in their seemingly average city...
Can be found on Fourteenwing's LiveJournal.
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Tropes used in Raya! include:
- Abandoned Warehouse: Where Laurie meets the red sprite.
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council: Due to their power over approval/control over clubs and other extracurriculars everybody tries to suck up to them so they can get into their Ivy of choice.
- Alpha Bitch: Malika.
- Ambiguous Disorder: Annie.
- Ambiguously Gay: Joey.
- Author Appeal: You'd be surprised to find out that the author is a Fashion-Head and a lover of flowers.
- Apathetic Citizens: Lampshaded with Mia and the double date.
- Black Dude Dies First: Averted, Malika's father is second to die after Craig the football player.
- Ear Worm: In universe, Laurie can't get the theme songs for Magic Missile Maiden Society out of her head.
- Elemental Powers:
- Blow You Away: Laurie
- Making a Splash: Bria
- Also mentioned as the forces behind the universe's creation in the red sprite's Creation Myth story.
- The Fashionista: Zoë
- Faux Yay: Tom and Roger kissed while they were drunk to impress some girls, Zoë manages to get a recording.
- Jerk Jock: Averted by most of the football team.
- Loners Are Freaks: Laurie, Caleb and Annie.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: By Celandine III we have : some of the A+s, half the football team, Laurie's library friends and a couple of side characters.
- Lucky Charms Title: Raya! with the exclamation point.
- Magical Girl Warrior: Bria and Laurie.
- Meaningful Name: Every mini-arc is named after a flower related to it's theme.
- Nerd: Andy Morioraty.
- Laurie, when her room is on 'fire' the first thing she does is save her homework.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Bria, Joey and Mike.
- Averted and lampshaded with Laurie, her nickname is only used by her close friends.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Bria who is Hot-Blooded and short tempered and Laurie who is calm and intellectual.
- Refuge in Vulgarity: Malika's Party ideas.
- Refusal of the Call: Bria.
- Rich in Dollars, Poor In Sense: Mia and Malika.
- Shout-Out: Miffy The Twilight Murderer.
- Show Within a Show: Magic Missile Maiden Society.
- Miffy The Twilight Murderer
- Stern Teacher: Ms. Armstrong, Principal Patterson.
- Story Arc: Small arcs consisting of 2-4 chapters that are all named similarly and a bigger arc.
- Team Mom: Laurie in Celandine I/II
- Teen Drama: Bria's half of the story.
- Teens Are Monsters: Implied.
- Timey-Wimey Ball: Had something to do with the Fire.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Bria and Laurie.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Laurie's half of the story.
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