< Ravages of Time

Ravages of Time/Tear Jerker

The auhor Chen Mou really loves dwelling on character's deaths and makes them as heart-wrenching as humanly possible. If the character happens to be one who has lived for longer than ten volumes and the readers have grown an attachment with, you won't be able to hold your tears when they go.

  • The death of Xiao Meng. The moon will go into waning indeed.
  • Every single major death in Lu Bu's camp: Gao Shun, Chen Gong, but especially Lu Bu's daughter. Actually, their morale breakdown at the end of Xiapi's campaign is depressing, even if you already knew the outcome.
  • Dian Wei's last stand. Of course, since this is an adaptation of Ro 3 K, everyone knew it was coming.
  • Sun Ce's death, where it turns out The Little Conqueror was really just a "Well Done, Son" Guy who never really got to know his father.
    • Double as kind of a heartwarming and tear-jerking moment, when previously Sun Ce had a nightmare of being severely scolded by his father and at his moment of death we see Sun Jian's spirit come back to pick him up, and do not condemn him at all. Glad to know he gets his peace of mind in death.
  • Chapter 331: "I am now... the last of my village."
    • And then, chapter 333: "Haha... people of my village.. you are all here."
  • And recently, Yuan Fang's death. The entire chapter dedicated to his last moment is absolutely heart-breaking. No matter how many times I read it, Yuan Fang's smile as he closes his eyes in Xiao Cha's arms still brings tears to my eyes. What a way for the "demon king" to go out, in the embrace of his lost love.
  • Rather unexpectedly, Yuan Shao's death. A proud man, ruler of a rich and powerful clan, reduced to a gardener living on false hope that his favourite son Yuan Fang was still alive. When the truth was revealed, he died of a broken heart.
  • Volume 25. Full stop.
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