< Ratatouille


  • Skinner: Welcome to Hell.
  • "I killed a man... with this thumb."
    • Gets a hilarious callback when Skinner is trying to sneak back into the kitchen. He gets caught by that chef, who doesn't say anything, but silently and menacingly holds up his thumb.
  • Remy's reaction upon smelling Linguini's cooking.
  • Linguini spazzing out in the freezer.
  • "Sometimes one can be too familiar with vegetables."
  • The poor health inspector.
  • "I'll make this easy to remember -- keep your station clear, or I WILL KILL YOU!"
  • The Lawyer's reaction to Skinner's rant about seeing rats everywhere near Linguini

[a little freaked out] ... Should I be concerned about this? About... you?

    • And when the lawyer tells Skinner about the hair sample he got? "The first time, the lab had to send the sample back. Apparantly, the results said it was... rodent hair." The look on Skinner's face is priceless.
    • "The whole thing is a set-up! The boy KNOWS! Look at him out there -- pretending to be an idiot!"
      • Made even better when Linguini cheerfully waves at him while he says it!
  • During the scene where Linguini tries to tell Collete about Remy, pay close attention to her eyes when he says "I have a tiny..little..."
    • Which becomes funnier when he gets interviewed after becoming succesful and Colette states he calls it "His little chef".
  • "So... let's think this through. You know how to cook. And I know how to... appear human."
  • Remy passes by two lovers arguing, one threatening to shoot the other. The gun goes off... and they immediately start making out.
    • On Linguini's television: a man and a woman arguing, throwing themselves at each other in the heat of fury... and they immediately start making out.
    • All of which sets it up so nicely for the moment when Remy decides a "Shut Up" Kiss is the only way to keep Linguini from blabbing everything to Colette...
  • "I am not your puppet! And you are not my puppet... controlling... guy!"

Colette: La Rousse ran guns for the resistance.

Linguini: Which resistance?

Colette: He won't say -- apparently, they didn't win.

  • Dear. Lord. Where to start with Your Friend The Rat?
    • The section on the plague. To say anything more would utterly spoil it.
  • "It sounds like rat... and patootie."
  • La Rousse with his mini blowtorch. It's when Remy gets caught by Linguini, and La Rousse is psyched to kill him with fire, only for Skinner to shoot the suggestion down. Watch his face right after Skinner says "Are you mad?!?"
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