Xbox 360 Arcade game that combines both quick platforming and block puzzles. The cast consists of skeleton creatures known as "Raskulls" who must retrieve some "Shiny Stones" from a Rat Pirate group called the Pirats....That's pretty much the whole plot.
Not related to the line of children's bicycle helmets that resemble animals and monsters.
Tropes used in Raskulls include:
- Brick Joke: Literally.
- Butt Monkey: Dragon
- Dem Bones
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": All the Raskulls are named after their occupation.
- Fun with Acronyms: Super Nuclear Ultra Gem Grabbing Laser Extraction System. (S.N.U.G.G.L.E.S.)
- He Knows About Timed Hits
- Heroic Mime: Dragon and Ninja don't talk at all.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja
- MacGuffin: Shiny Stones.
- No Fourth Wall: And how.
- The Smurfette Principle: Lampshaded with Red Riding Hood.
- Smoke Out: Ninja
- Space Pirates
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Red Riding Hood is the only Raskull with hair and eyelashes.
- Visual Pun: Those bricks that the king throws (all of which appear to hit the dragon) are actually half bricks. You can see it clearly during the ending, when the dragon returns the favor and pelts the king with one.
- You Dirty Rat
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