Ragnarok the Animation
Ragnarok the Animation (or Ragnarok Online the Animation) is an Anime produced based on the MMORPG Ragnarok Online.
Produced in Japan and Korea by studio G&G Entertainment, and studio Gonzo. Directed by Seiji Kishi and Kim Jung Ryool, written by Hideki Mitsui and Lee Myung Jin with producers Seīchi Hori and Cheong Dae Sik. With an original run of 26 episodes on TV Tokyo in Japan and SBS in South Korea between April 6, 2004 and September 28, 2004.
The story initially follows the protagonist Roan in his quest to become a more powerful swordsman and protect his friend Yufa. The plot follows their misadventures as they recruit more friends and allies into their ranks, preform deeds for other and embark on great quests.
A number of in game events were arranged in honor of the Anime. These included players being able to speak to an NPC in Comodo then carry out quests paralleling the anime, while two characters modeled after Roan and Yufa roamed around Prontera. Also NPC character's with appearances similar to the anime's main characters, located in Alberta, gave questions during a weekly event right after the current anime episode ends, based on what happened in the episode.
- The Anime of the Game
- Apathetic Citizens: Similar to the original game.
- Bishonen: Keough, Iruga, and Roan.
- The last of which probably a Parody of the stereotype.
- Break the Cutie: Maya and Yuufa, to slightly lesser extent, Takius/ Catherine. Heck, Roan too.
- Arguably the whole point of episode 19.
- Cat Smile: Maya.
- Cerebus Syndrome: HOLY HELL!
- Crap Saccharine World: YMMV, but this 'World of Adventure', barring the classic "Sword, Magic and Monster" elements, had other themes hit too hard...
- Cute Monster Girl: The "Alice" that Maya befriends.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Maya.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Judia.
- Erotic Eating: Averted with Yuufa, despite eating Banana all the time.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: Natural result of the adaptation decay that happened here stuff happens in the anime that is in the game: a) has had been Nerfed since the time anime was made b) cant' happen anymore in the game or c) can't happen at all in the game has it's shown in the anime at any time stuff effected includes:
- The Female Rogue breaking a dead branch in town: this hasn't been able to be done since gravity put in a patch to stop people from breaking them in town, since loads of complaints were filed against it.
- Various mobs being or not being where they were. This anime was made before massive changes to spawns.
- Just about anything the heroes do that is way more effective than the game version. Here's looking at you Swordie Roan soloing a Gold Thief Bug or somehow killing the water element mobs with a Fire endowed sword or Priest!Yufa giving a One Hit KO Magnus Exorcismus to Dark Lord.
- Think that's bad? The Dragon Zephyr dealt a One-Hit Kill Lord of Vermillion to Moonlight Flower. This is impossible in the games because Moonlight nullifies all wind/lightning-elemental damage.
- To elaborate, the original game was Nintendo Hard, and even a high level character would have trouble dealing with a Golden Thief Bug (which is one of the weakest bosses around) without proper equipment or without a proper party to back him/her up.
- Gainaxing: Oddly, Takius shows it more than Judia.
- Heroic Sociopath: Roan, ROAN, ROAN.
- We Aren't Lovers: Suuure, Yuufa.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Our primary protagonists are Chrono and Solty Revant. The series overall shares several voice actors with Burst Angel, Xenosaga the Animation and Witchblade.
- Kansai Regional Accent: Judia. Rendered as Alabama-southern in English.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters
- Imagine Spot: Roan imagines Takius, Judia and Yuufa in bathing suits, then deciding to go skinny-dipping.
- Magnetic Hero
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- The Hero: Roan.
- The Medic: Yuufa, though she uses a mace.
- Black Magician Girl: Takius. (See also Kill It with Ice, Shock and Awe)
- The Archer: Judia.
- Lightning Bruiser: Iruga.
- Maya: A minor case of Fluffy Tamer, since she has "monster" friends.
- Revive Kills Zombie: Priest!Yuufa during Payon Arc owns everything, since the soul had been sent to heaven.
- Scissors Cuts Rock: Zephyr performs a One-Hit Kill on Moonlight Flower using Lord of Vermillion, a wind-element spell which Moonlight normally employs Won't Work On Me on.
- Stripperiffic: Takius' outfit.
- Sexophone: Payon Arc Crusader!Roan, everytime he talks/ flirt.
- Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Swing in between.
- Took a Level in Badass: Rookie trio (Roan, Yuufa, Maya), Maya being the subtlest (she had shown Alchemist Skill despite still being A MERCHANT!).
- The first two wasn't exactly positive, since Roan also Took a Level in Jerkass while Yuufa has chronic case of Break the Cutie.
- Trademark Favorite Food
- Yufa: Bananas
- Judia: Sweet Potatoes
- Maya: Ice Cream
- Victorious Childhood Friend: Roan and Yuufa.
- What the Hell, Hero?: In-verse to Takius while in Ant Hell.