< Radiant Historia

Radiant Historia/YMMV

  • Abandon Shipping - A common reaction to Eruca being Stocke's sister.
  • Ass Pull - Stocke and Eruca learning the Vanish technique, though, considering its source, both could have conceivably encountered it before.
    • Marco meeting a girl who looks exactly like his murdered New Old Flame.
  • Complete Monster - Hugo is the most hated and irredeemable of the villains of the story.
    • Even then, though, pay attention to his final speech when you beat him in the Alternate History -- his faith was genuine, and he did actually think he was trying to save the world, even if he was lying and manipulating people to do it, though how much of that is a product of his madness is hard to tell.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Blue Radiance, The Edge of Green, and The Red Locus.
  • Demonic Spiders - Quite literally.
    • The Mist Spider is probably the worst. Even though you don't need to kill it to finish the game, its death completes a sidequest. What really makes the fight horrible is the fact that the only party member you can use to beat it is Aht, who is rendered near-useless thanks to her inability to use traps in the fight.
  • Ending Fatigue: Minor in the main story, but if you want to get the Golden Ending it becomes nightmarish. To get the Golden Ending, you have to do plot related sidequests, of course. To unlock some of those sidequests you have to have done another sidequest to obtain some items which lets you get some items needed to, you guessed it, get another sidequest. Some of these, if not all, are Guide Dang It, take forever to do, or are just plain annoying. It really makes you want to just get on with it.
  • Evil Is Sexy - Queen Protea has quite the figure in her official art.
    • If the comments of some fangirls both in Granorg itself and on the Internet, Dias apparently counts thanks to his "dreamy eyes".
  • Game Breaker: They require another party member to use a movement skill in order to be truly effective, but Aht's traps are among the most damaging abilities you have at your disposal since it will critically injure if not one-shot anything that lands on it. Taking the time and effort to unlock her most powerful trap abilities will completely trivialize most fights since they'll be doing the kind of damage you wouldn't normally see unless you had an extremely high combo score.
  • Goddamn Bats: The monsters in the sewer that look like tiny pigs made of jelly. They tend to leap out of nowhere and take you by surprise, and they can drain your health and MP.
  • Memetic Mutation: In made-up bad endings and other meme material, particularly in HC Bailly's forums, Stocke is often portrayed as carrying the Idiot Ball throughout the entire game and failing to make any obvious conclusions, and the tendency of minor mistakes to cause the end of the world is humorously exaggerated.
  • Moral Event Horizon: When Queen Protea orders the city set ablaze in the second chapter of the Standard History, regardless of whoever gets caught in the inferno. They even allow their soldiers to kill Princess Eruca, her own (step)daughter.
    • Likewise, General Hugo in the Alternate History, who abuses his position as the mouth of the Prophet Noah so as to fulfill their fantasy of ruling the entire continent by using everyone beneath them as mere tools, sending them to their deaths while double-dealing with Selvan and Dias under the table to build a power base under the pretext of war. They even deliberately set Stocke and Rosch up to march to their deaths by leaking details of their missions so as to kill off potential threats to their plotting, and deliberately lied to the whole of Alistel long after the Prophet Noah died by putting false words into a dummy, so as to manipulate the entire country into doing whatever he pleased.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Imagine marching to war when all of a sudden, you feel sick and drained. The last thing you feel as your vision fails is a grainy sensation as you crumble into sand.
    • Quite a few of the bad endings are horrifying. Notable examples are Marco suddenly going insane, slaughtering the entire party except for Stocke, and then giving Stock an absolutely chilling Hannibal Lecture before leaving him to die, and Aht going into full Yandere mode and trapping Stocke forever in a nightmarish dreamworld where they can spend eternity together.
  • Player Punch: Heiss killing Mimel in front of Marco.
  • Strangled by the Red String: Stocke and Raynie. While Raynie does some Hint Dropping early in, her Love Confession comes out of nowhere. The bizzare conditions from her Romance Sidequest don't help either. To make matters worse, Stocke doesn't show any interest her until then, in which he immediately reciprocates her feelings, to the point that he contemplates abandoning Saving the World to live with her. Then again, it's Raynie. Just look at her.
    • To be fair, his normal responce to her is more down to earth. (With Stocke clearly melting like butter doing so...) The final proper end to the sidequest is that while he does harbor feelings for her, and ready to start a relationship, all they did is talk about it a little.
  • Tear Jerker: Good grief, the second chapter in the Alternate History is full of these. Kiel's fatal sacrifice, Rosch's hospitalisation, Raynie and Marco staying behind to ensure Stocke's escape...
    • Ranyie's ending. If "At Journey's End" was completed, she's convinced that Stocke isn't dead and that she's going to wait for him because he promised her they would be together after everything was over. If you didn't get the best ending, her waiting will be in vain.
    • In a sidequest involving Liese the Satyros and her human boyfriend. She decides that it just can't work out, and then he follows her to Abyssia Forest and gets killed by a beast. A letter found on his corpse is filled with the wedding vows of the Satyros, written in their language by his hand, proving his willingness to fit into her culture. She then realizes that she had made the biggest mistake of her life, that nothing she could ever do would make it right and runs off into the wilderness. At least you can help Stocke fix this, after you dry your tears of course.
    • Stocke, in order to save Eruca, being forced to kill his best friend Rosch, who uses his last words to condemn Stocke for betraying him and their nation.
    • Both the standard ending and true ending.
  • That One Boss: Trying to beat Master Vainqueur even at high levels is just...ughhh...
    • Most likely any and all boss fights where you have to fight a giant spider. They have high attack power and love spamming the Hell out of their area of effect ability. They also take up the entire battle grid, which renders movement abilities and Aht's traps completely useless.
    • That damn Thaumachine. By itself it's not so much of a pain, but with the continually respawning bombs...
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot - Granted, it's only a single line early in the prologue, but Stocke implies Survivors Guilt over a past mission.
  • What an Idiot!: Hugo. Noah's dead and Hugo's been lying about the things he said. After people eventually get suspicious and demand to see Noah, Hugo, instead of, say, getting a guy to dress and act like Noah, just brings out a wooden dummy, which falls down as soon as someone touches it.
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