RPG Parade
A series of videos released on YouTube by Katapicture. It is currently in its fourth season, following the adventures of a bunch of friends as they live a story of life... and awesomeness.
...Oh, and did we mention, it's an RPG?
Taking the guise of a JRPG, RPG Parade both uses tropes normally seen in RPGs and lampshades them. It all starts here. Watch, and enjoy!
Party Members:
- Janman, the main character of the series. Uses a unique fighting style called 'Betting It All'. His main source of power appears to come from his Hoodie of Wildfire.
- Steel, who despite his archetype is not the main character. Has a big anger problem.
- Nomi, whose offensive arsenal is based on food. She appears unable to talk about anything else (because what else is there to talk about, in her view) and has an unusual method of addressing people.
- Whiffler, the drunken guy. Rarely seen without a bottle of booze.
- Totchi, a bard who wishes to find inspiration and make music which would melt the hardest of hearts. Left Team Parade in Episode 46 to find his own path.
- Gri, one of Janman's best friends. He has a bit of an attitude, and uses piercing attacks to get by armoured foes.
Tropes used in RPG Parade include:
- Big Bad (Ryujin)
- Combination Attack (Some B.A.A's are two moves combined into one.)
- Creepy Child (Abi and Ica count as this. They both seem a little too fond of violence, Ica especially...)
- Cutscene
- Dance Battler (A whole group of them known as The Death Dancers)
- Decoy Protagonist (Robot is set up to be the main character for the first few episodes, until he was...)
- Demoted to Extra (Gri seems to have lost importance to the series)
- Though in a recent episode, he appears to have been lounging around a lot, and may possibly regain his importance.
- Also, Robot hasn't been seen for a while, but this has been used as a driving force for a lot of the plot.
- Dual Boss (Used as a boss and as a party member as well. Abi and Ica fight as a pair, Abi as a defensive type, Ica for the offensive.)
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Fight Woosh
- Fission Mailed
- Five-Man Band
- He Knows About Timed Hits (Right at the beginning, in which Gri reminds Robot how to fight.)
- Also, Episodes 20 and 21 filled us in on some important in-game mechanics.
- How about Episode 41, in which Janman's father, Pro, teaches him a new style of fighting?
- Hilarious Outtakes (Currently two collections of them on the Youtube account.)
- Hopeless Boss Fight (Ryujin, Dragon, Baya, and D)
- Lampshade Hanging (A lot of jokes in the series rely on hanging a lampshade on RPG tropes.)
- Musical Assassin (Baya of the Kabuki Kings. Quite literally)
- Kleptomaniac Hero
- Mooks (Pretty much the entire gang of Kabuki Kings encountered throughout the series)
- Overly-Long Fighting Animation (A lot of B.A.A's)
- Relationship Values (Friendship Bonds, which affect the strength of Team B.A.A's)
- Screen Shake
- Sealed Evil in a Can (Ryujin's power appears to be contained within artefacts)
- Team Chef (Janman's cousin, Meeks, makes great cookies, which comes in handy later on in the series)
- The Reveal ( It appears Ryujin was Robot all along.
- Training Montage (Plenty to go around, even later in the series!)
- Trauma Inn
- Victory Pose
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Pro's epic combing.
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