< Qurac
Qurac/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A fictional Middle-Eastern setting.
- Played Straight: Tropestan is located in a desert environment, with lots of Middle-Eastern sounding music and is a primarily Muslim country.
- Exaggerated: Tropestan is full of Arab Oil Sheikh men and Belly Dancer women, and there's lots of camels, hummus, falafels, hookahs, and coffee.
- Alternatively, Tropestan is a Crapsack World where it's Honor Before Reason, full of terrorists and abused women covered from head to toe.
- Justified: The setting is the Middle East
- Inverted: Tropestan is blatantly part of Eagle Land.
- Subverted: Tropestan seems to have absorbed a lot of Western culture.
- Double Subverted: But it still has a rich Middle-Eastern type culture with lots of traditions of that culture.
- Deconstructed: May lead to Unfortunate Implications about the Middle East and its people and religion/culture if not handled correctly.
- Reconstructed: The writers have Shown Their Work, and the setting is portrayed like a real Middle-Eastern country.
- Parodied: See "Exaggerated"
- Zig Zagged: Sometimes Tropestan is portrayed this way, other times not.
- Lampshaded: "Sounds like it's in the Middle East."
- Averted: Tropestan's culture is more like that of America, Europe, East Asia, etc.
- Enforced: "We need to portray the Middle East in a way familiar to Westerners."
- Invoked: Alice and Bob are lost in the desert, and find themselves helped out by an Arab Oil Sheikh with an impressive harem of beautiful women.
- Defied: Over time, Tropestan has become a very secular country, and taken in a lot of outside influence. Any Middle-Eastern type traditions and culture it had are a thing of the past.
- Discussed: "I hear Tropestan is a nice place..."
- Conversed: "Why is the Middle East either a paradise of belly-dancers and camels or a Crapsack World of crazy terrorists?"
- Played For Laughs: Usually the first type under "Exaggerated"
- Played For Drama: The second type under "Exaggerated"
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