Quite Peculiar
Quite Peculiar is a series of oneshots and oneshot collections published on fanfiction.net, centered around the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld. The series covers a large range of topics in its almost one hundred chapters.
Containing many stand-alone pieces, it also features the miniseries Prices to Pay, Trapped on the Wire, Before the Storm, and Alive and On Time.
Tropes used in Quite Peculiar include:
- Action Girl: Deryn, as in canon.
- Allohistorical Allusion: A couple.
- Alternate Universe Fic: Some of the pieces are alternate-universe.
- Ask a Stupid Question: Alek fairly often asks (Perhaps rhetorical) clarifying questions, only to receive very sarcastic remarks from the Sharp siblings.
- Babies Ever After: In some of the stories.
- Bilingual Bonus: Fairly often. It helps that Alek's first language is German.
- Did Not Do the Research: Subverted. A (now corrected) mistake in Introductions was due to misleading research, not a lack of research.
- Happily Married: When Deryn and Alek are lucky, they sometimes end story arcs married.
- Heroic BSOD: Deryn after the Leviathan is destroyed and she and Alek kill the soldiers in Trapped on the Wire. She recovers.
- I Need to Go Iron My Dog: Subverted. Deryn thinks her housekeeper just pretends to have a roast in the oven to leave Alek and Deryn alone together, but the roast shows up later in the scene.
- Kill'Em All: In the Trapped on the Wire set.
- Knight Templar: Dieter Hesse.
- Lap Pillow: In Before the Storm.
- The Mole: Anna in Trapped on the Wire.
- Mood Whiplash: At the end of Fencing.
- Nice Hat: Deryn's hat gets a fair bit of mention in On the Wire for only being in two scenes.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Volger tries this briefly in Whether Or Not You Should.
- Oblivious to Love: Alek, in a lot of the stories.
- Official Couple: Deryn and Alek in numerous continuities.
- Overly Long Name: "Aleksandar Ferdinand Karl Franz Michael Hubert Anton Ignatius Joseph Maria von Hohenberg, at your service, Miss Sharp." Justified, as it's mostly the name of one of duke's real sons.
- Shirtless Scene: Subverted. In Fencing, Deryn wishes she really were a boy so she could take her shirt off in the heat. The actual males present, Alek and Volger, choose not to take the opportunity.
- Shown Their Work: Constantly. The research behind the story is fantastic.
- Start of Darkness: A brief line featuring Adolf Hitler.
- Taking the Bullet: Deryn for Alek in Trapped on The Wire. Deconstructed, as the assassin just takes another shot, killing both of them.
- Tears of Remorse: Deryn in Trapped on the Wire.
- Tomboy: Deryn, obviously, and her daughter Sophie in one story.
- Too Dumb to Live: Stipp and Holtz.
- WAFF: A few. Not surprising, with 99 chapters (as of March 20, 2k12).
- Was It All a Lie?: Alek asks this to Deryn in Fit to Print Part 2. He thinks of it more in the terms of their friendship, but Deryn's side of the trope is played straight.
- Wham! Line: The man with the gun is named Dieter Hesse.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Deryn pulls one in Trapped on the Wire.
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