Quest for Yrolg

Yrolg and his imp
An indie Adventure Game created by Crystal Shard, found here. Yrolg the Necromancer is about to finish his ultimate ritual and take over the world! Of course, this attracts the attention of a mighty warrior, cunning thief, and powerful enchantress, who venture to his cave to kill the evil Yrolg.
Your job is to stop them.
In an inversion of the common roles in adventure games, you play a nasty little imp who has to use his wits, traps, and the other minions in Yrolg's lair to kill the three heroes. Because otherwise the world will become a happy joyful place filled with sunshine, and what manner of imp wants that?
The game has voice acting, and is translated into German, French and several other languages.
Tropes used in Quest for Yrolg include:
- Affectionate Parody: Of Quest for Glory, mainly.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: All three heroes follow a set path (marked by glowing runes on doorways) but can be easily diverted by setting down loot for them to pick up next to other doorways.
- Bottomless Pit
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Muggit.
- Cosmic Horror: the good ending, more or less.
- Evil Counterpart: Muggit, the distant relative of Cuppit from META.
- Evil Sorcerer: Yrolg, of course.
- Fighter, Mage, Thief: The three heroes.
- Foreshadowing: "I will burn and skewer them, crush them with rocks, and cast them into your bottomless pit!" That is exactly what you must do.
- I'll Never Tell You What I'm Telling You: Muggit's entire schtick (that and talking at length about how evil he is that he's not telling you what he's telling you.)
- Indy Escape - you can cause a huge boulder to roll at the heroes.
- Minion with an F In Evil: Muggit, who is so evil he will not explain to you how the game works.
- Sdrawkcab Name
- The Dragon: A literal dragon.
- Theme Song: A metal and minor-key variation to the Glory march.
- Too Dumb to Live: The heroes, literally.
- Too Kinky to Torture : The imp.
- Unwinnable by Design: There are a couple instances (you have to pick up the glowing gem and spring the boulder trap at exactly the right times) where the game can be rendered unwinnable. Fortunately, the game is very short, so starting over isn't that bad. Plus it autosaves whenever a hero arrives in order to try and prevent the player from saving themselves into a corner.
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