< Queen of All Oni

Queen of All Oni/YMMV

  • Non Sequitur Scene: The third Interlude chapter opens with a rather... odd, Dream Sequence Jade was having. It's funny, but kind of comes out of nowhere and throws the reader for a loop. It also features Tarakudo attempting to communicate with Jade in her sleep, only to be ignored and ultimately giving up.
    • There's also the scene in that chapter where Jade uses her newfound contortionist abilities to win a bet with the Enforcers (see Mundane Utility on the main page). That is never brought up again.
  • Crazy Awesome: Whenever Left uses that chainsaw.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Lung, as far as Tarakudo is concerned.
  • Moral Event Horizon: The first thing Lung does after getting more than a single scene per chapter is capture Jade and torture her until she agrees to serve him. And he keeps torturing her when she refuses, even when it becomes apparent that the process is killing her. It's met with a lot of satisfaction from the readers when Right kills him.
  • Neutral Evil: Blankman doesn't seem to care who's running the Shadow Hand, so long as he's allowed to do his job as foreman. When Ikazuki usurps control, Blankman calmly introduces himself and offers to show him his new assets, and when Jade resumes control, he just as calmly asks if she'd like to get back to some paperwork she'd ditched earlier.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Jade being tortured by Lung until she goes completely insane, and then her astral form melts.
    • At one point during said torture, her eyelids dissolve.
  • Selfish Evil: Jade. As Wong explains, she's acting purely on her desires, and anyone who gets in her way is automatically her enemy.
  • True Neutral: The Brothers of the Three Shades. They'll fight anyone, good or evil, who comes looking for the Teachings of Eternal Shadow. Then, when Jade comes looking for the Teachings, Brother Light initially fights her, but ultimately lets her take them—and when she's gone, he gives Tohru scrolls that will point the way to the other two fragments of the Teachings.
    • Though it should be noted that the only reason anyone was allowed to walk away with anything was because Brother Light felt they were destined to, and since he has seniority, the other sages went along with it.
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