Quantum Redshift

Quantum Redshift is a futuristic racing game for the Xbox. Created by Wipeout designer Nick Burcombe, the game puts the player in the shoes of 16 different characters, paired off in rivalries, whose stories unfold as tournaments are completed.

It was seen as the sleeper hit of 2002. However, due to lukewarm reviews the game had horrid sales and caused the sequel (which would have had online capabilities) to vanish into thin air.

Needs Wiki Magic Love.

Tropes used in Quantum Redshift include:
  • Arch Enemy: A mechanic no less. They'll always be in every race you're in with a nice little "Nemesis" sign above them.
    • You even get bonus points for killing them. :D
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Your Mileage May Vary, but Junkie XL's work here is pretty cool.
  • Difficulty Spike: Redshift difficulty
  • Empty Room Psych: The loop at Silver Rock Canyon. Don't even bother with it on easy or you'll just fall upside down, and even then it's just wastes time (unless you really want a power star).
  • It's Personal: Alicia is pissed off at Tara for killing her parents, even though everyone else has forgiven her. Hell, her quote is pretty much "I'll get you Tara!"
  • Lyrical Shoehorn: Crusher (Title Screen) makes no sense. Trust us.
  • Needs More Love: It might be a tad unoriginal, but it's still a rather solid game. Still, the fact that there are no FAQs, walkthroughs or information about it online for it is still rather grating.
  • Remixed Level: Any track with "2" at the end. You'll be going backwards with some paths reconfigured to fit the new route. Somehow, this makes the track more difficult...
  • Rubber Band AI: Computers (and other players) will have the best upgrades amongst the human players. It's helpful in multiplayer so you won't have to grind with everyone, but computers blasting you with specials every lap? Oy...
  • Scenery Porn: A main offender. Critics were quick to note on how it's probably the prettiest game on the Xbox, and lists that as one of it's problems.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Brakenstowe Vale. The track is set in the English countryside, but the song makes you think Tron.
  • The Four Gods: Byakko is painted on Ami's ship. Yes it looks Badass why do you ask?
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