< Pushing Daisies

Pushing Daisies/YMMV

  • Fridge Logic: So, Digby is a loving pet, but a tad neurotic because Ned can't pet him. In "Bitches," it is specifically stated that Ned feels bad that he can't pet his loyal dog, either. So, why doesn't Ned just invest in a pair of gloves (or don that beekeeper suit) and pet Digby silly?
  • Meaningful Name: Arguably, Ned's name - an anagram of "end", symbolizing his connection to death.
  • Moe Moe: Aunt Vivian has quite a few "huggable" traits, despite being a fifty/sixty-something year old lady.
    • And let's not even get started on every time Ned and Chuck are onscreen together.
  • Too Good to Last: Let's face it, this show had Too Good to Last written all over it from the word "go".
    • Also, Bryan Fuller created it. "Doomed from the start" is basically his middle name.
  • Unfortunate Implications: In a spirited, heated competition with the sweet shop across the street, Olive and Chuck team up and refer to themselves as "The Pie Hoes," as a cute nickname for "the women from The Pie Hole", but...
    • This is a case of Insult Backfire, as the Pie Hole sign had earlier been damaged (by Dilly Balsam) to read 'The Pie Ho'.
    • And considering the Getting Crap Past the Radar this show does on a regular basis, this was probably on purpose.
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