< Pursuit Force

Pursuit Force/Characters

Pursuit Force

The Cop/ The Commander

The Chief

Capelli Family

  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Even after getting thrown all over his limo after you defeat him, the Don still comes out uninjured and his white suit is still clean.
  • Career Killers: Stefano "Deadeye" De Tomaso, the Don's right-hand man, is a professional hitman. You encounter him when you foil his assassination attempt on the governor.
  • Cool Car: Their fleet of cars consist entirely of Rolls Royce and Ferrari expies painted in black and gold liveries.
    • The Don's 6-wheeled stretch limo. Its even got a minigun in the boot!
  • Difficult but Awesome: The Revolver may have very limited ammo and fires slowly, but it does pack a punch. Perfect for boss fights.
  • Heel Face Turn: Johnny Leone, a former Capelli made-man who sides with the cops in exchange for protection from his former gang. You have to escort him to safety in the very first mission of the game.
  • Names to Run From Really Fast: It ain't Deadeye if he doesn't get spot-on headshots with that sniper rifle.
  • The Don: Don Capelli
  • The Dragon: Deadeye
  • The Mafia: They're portrayed more like 1930s gangsters.


The General

Gang members and hardware

  • Homage: The fifth mission in Pursuit Force is a big homage to the movie Speed. The Warlords have rigged a bus with a bomb. Should the bus's speed decreases below 100 mph, the bomb starts ticking and will eventually blow up. The difference between this and the movie is that the bad guy lets you try to safe the commuters. But with traffic getting in your way while you try to line up the bus with the ranger's jeep without slowing down and only having little distance to spare, its not that easy, especially if you're trying for an A grade.
  • Reds with Rockets: The bulk of the Warlords in Extreme Justice is made up of russian mercenaries who were in the Spetsnaz. They have an arsenal of Cold War era weapons. Ironically, they're blue most of the time.
  • Semper Fi: In Pursuit Force, the Warlords are made up of renegade US Marines.
  • The Dragon: Lieutenant Davis in the first game, Yuri "The Fury" Andreov in the second game.
  • Western Terrorists: Ironicly and disturbingly made up of rogue US Marines in the first game. Ironic, considering whats going on in real life. Disturbing, considering the fact that they are highly trained marines and are very well-equipped.
    • The second game had The General resort to using russian mercenaries.


Hard Balls

Billy Wide

Gang members and hardware

  • Exclusively Evil
  • Axe Crazy: A good majority of them. Also more specifically, Billy Wilde.
  • Continuity Nod: In Extreme Justice, one of their Mooks is a former Killer 66 member (the guy with the spiky red hair and always wearing a ninja mask). He also does say about avenging Monster Toshima.
  • Expy: Of da Orkz, most noticeable with their Mad Max-styled vehicles and their Exclusively Evil personality.
  • Molotov Cocktail: They make heavy use of these. Throwing these is also Billy Wilde's only form of attack inPursuit Force.
  • Nail'Em: The Nailgun, which is a very weak weapon. Does not do much damage and fires slowly. Only advantage is it's rather large clip size. A car filled with Nailgun-armed Mooks can be very dangerous. In Extreme Justice, It Took a Level in Badass and became something akin to a submachinegun.
  • Oh Crap: "Its a modified earthmover. The Convict must've bought it from The Syndicate. Is that Hard Balls driving it? GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!"
  • Revenge: The reason they're working with the Villain Team-Up in Extreme Justice is to just get back on Pursuit Force for throwing them back in jail.
  • Stealth Pun: In Extreme Justice, Billy Wilde used two vehicles in his rampages. They're both firetrucks which were armed with flamethrowers.
  • Sawn Off Shotgun: One of two of their weapons used in Pursuit Force.


Vixen mook: "You men are only good for one thing: target practice!"

  • Animal Motifs: A vixen is a female fox. Foxes are known to be sly and cunning, just like this gang. Also since the gang is made entirely of girls...
  • Batman Gambit: The third mission (mid-boss level) has you driving a truck said to carry valuable items that has caught the interest of The Fox. The truck is empty, its just a dud. After holding off the Vixen hijackers long enough, The Fox appears and tries to steal it. You then promptly jump out off the truck, jack the nearest Vixen car and proceed to chase down and shoot her off her chopper.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Death From Above: Both The Fox and Whiplash use helicopters in their respective boss fights, Fox's a Little Bird armed with a minigun and Whiplash's a Pavelow that fires rockets from it's fuel tanks.
  • Evil Is Sexy
  • Fragile Speedster
  • Gatling Good: One of their guns is the Chainpistol, a chaingun reduced to the size of a pistol. Its still pretty large though and functions like a submachinegun.
  • Kill It with Fire: The only way to inflict damage on Whiplash for the first part of the her boss fight is to damage the car she's on until it's hood starts to catch fire, burning her.
  • Ms. Fanservice: They're obviously a Ms. Fanservice gang.
  • Whip It Good: Whiplash's Weapon of Choice is an electrified whip that disables your car for a short time if it hits. Doubles as Meaningful Name.
  • The Dragon: The Fox

Killer 66

  • AKA-47: The Punisher is a Desert Eagle and the SMG is an Uzi.
  • And This Is For: Toshima yells one during his boss battle.

Monster Toshima: "This is for Sudeko!"

  • Complete Monster: The fact that the Killer 66 sell drugs to schoolchildren probably makes them the most vile of all the gangs.
  • Fat Bastard: Monster Toshima. He has been repeatedly referred to as "the head sumo" by the Chief.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: The Mooks are quite fond with bidding you sayonara (goodbye).
  • Kill It with Fire: Toshima's Weapon of Choice is a flamethrower.
  • Mook Maker: In his boss fight, after hurting Toshima enough, a shield closes up on him and cars start to roll off from his car transporter.

Chief(pointing out at the cars in the car transporter): "Beware of other Killer 66 cars."

Monster Toshima: "You killed Sudeko! Now, I make you tempura!" *pulls out flamethrower*


Travis Striker: "This is for my sister, pig!"

  • Big No: Lockjaw as he was getting sucked into his hovercraft's main propulsion blade.
  • Brother-Sister Team: The Striker Twins, Lockjaw's dragons.
  • Cool Ship: Lockjaw's pirate ship, the Swamp King, which is even equipped with boosters.
    • Technically however, its not a ship but a hovercraft.
  • Deep South
  • Early-Bird Cameo: The Swamp King briefly appears twice in the second mission as a Mook Maker releasing squads of jetskis. You later encounter it later on as a boss fight against Lockjaw. Also in the same mission, the Striker Twins will be taunting you. You face off against them in the last mission of Act I.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Upon defeating him, Lockjaw is thrown off his harpoon gun and hangs on for dear life as he was being sucked by his hovercraft's main propulsion blade. He eventually loses grip, gets suck into and the next scene shows the main propulsion blade blowing up.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Subverted. During his boss battle, Lockjaw attacks you by shooting a harpoon at you. However, it only knocks you off your feet. You do end up trying to pull yourself up from falling into one of his hovercraft's propulsion blades.
  • No Name Given: We will never know Travis Striker's twin sister's name since you killed her ( technically, she got herself ran over by that DUKW). Nice knowin' ya sis.
  • Pirate: Complete with an insignia that resembles the standard skull and swords symbol of pirates of old.
  • Press X to Not Die: Other than taking cover completely from his attacks, whenever Lockjaw is about to fire his harpoon gun, you will be prompt to press the button that flashes onscreen. If successful, you catch the harpoon and throw it back at him. You need to do this in order to break open his shield and be able to shoot at him.

The Syndicate

  • Evil Brit
  • Heel Face Mole: Somewhat subverted a bit. Lucy was never on their side; She was spying on them for the MI 5. She does stick with Pursuit Force throughout the game after the commander blew her cover.
  • Reverse Mole: The Syndicate lieutenant is actually a MI 5 agent tasked with spying on the gang
  • The Syndicate: This is the gang's name. They're in the bank robbing business.

Viper Squad

  • Jerkass: Decker is pretty much this, constantly taunting at Pursuit Force that Viper Squad is better.
  • Bigger Bad: Turns out that they've been working with (or using) The Warlords to stage a terrorist threat in which, with the (intended) disposal of Pursuit Force, they will come to save the day and win the hearts of many, making it easier to control the population of Capital State and turn it into a Police State. Seeing how they calmly disposed of Big Bad The General when he went rogue certainly qualifies them as this.
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