Purple SUV
Purple SUV was a Real Person Fic and parody of Yellow Submarine with ABBA! by Technicolor Pachyderm.
The plot went more or less like this: an inhabitant of an alternate dimension called Anne is sent to our world to find four musicians who would help her free her world, where a dictatorial group called Orangies has forbidden music. They all ride the purple SUV to find the portal to the other dimension, which includes a passing-by through Baltimore where they pick up Suzy, a 15-year-old Fan Girl with Crazy Awesome tendencies and face off against a polar bear. After refueling the SUV with Mountain Dew, ABBA, Suzy and Anne go to the other world by driving off a cliff and into a lake.
After the arrival, Suzy is almost imediatly captured and put in jail, Anne is more or less forgotten, ABBA lead La RĂ©sistance, are captured and nearly killed.
This fanfiction didn't get an ending (ABBA and Suzy do survive though), but it was a pretty satisfying read all the same. Sadly, due to the author feeling Old Shame towards this, it is no longer available on the net.
- Butt Monkey: Bjorn.
- Crack Fic
- Dead Fic
- Deadpan Snarker: Everyone.
- Demoted to Extra: Anne, almost as soon as they arrive.
- Dumb Blonde: Averted. Agnetha easily outsmarts everybody else.
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Bjorn.
- The Lancer: Benny.
- The Smart Guy: Agnetha.
- The Big Guy: Frida.
- The Chick: Anne.
- Tagalong Kid: Suzy.
- Motor Mouth: Suzy, to the point where a guard wants to kill himself.
- Resigned to the Call: Bjorn is the only ABBA member who isn't this. They are especially reluctant when they have to save Suzy from prison.
- Script Fic
- Shapeshifting: Frida and Agnetha do this to scare off the polar bear.
- Step Three: Profit: A summary:
Step 1: Get Agnetha in the SUV.
Step 2: ????
Step 3: PROFIT!!!!