
This is the proof, that causing Munich's main church tower clock to run anti-clockwise can actually make it onto the front page.
Pumuckl is a German children's series, as well as the name of its kobold protagonist. Started as a radio series in 1961, and in the following decades, it got a book series, 33 records (for kids: what people had before CDs), three movies, three TV series... and even a musical. It's about the kobold (a kind of mischievous brownie) Pumuckl, who lives in the workshop of Eder, an old joiner.
Recurring Characters besides the protagonist:
- Meister Eder, the old, good-natured joiner in his petty old workshop in a silent backyard in the middle of Munich.
- Stürzlinger, the jerky, but docile concierge with a heavy dialect and deep voice, who believes the "backyarders" (including Eder) to be nuts.
- Frau Eichinger, the fussy hausfrau, in her 60s and a superstitious christian.
- Frau Hartl, the busybody, gossiping and enquiring neighbour of Eder. She is irritated by everything, and furthermore is the arch nemesis of Frau Eichinger.
- Eder's companions at the regulars' table, naturally all craftsmen, with dialect and appropriate names:
- Bernbacher, Eder's best friend and a locksmith; believes Eder to be crazy. Has a wife who wears a wig and is bothersome.
- Schmitt, a mechanic.
- Wimmer, an antiquary and restorer.
- Schwertfeger, an old friend of Eder; likes to walk his dog and owns an allotment.
- An old guy, who is asleep most of the time. Has to be woken by the waitress with the words, "Wake up, Grandpa. Your soup gets cold.", on which upon he wakes up, and nudges his benchmate, "Hey, that's my spot!", even when there isn't anyone sitting next to him. Crappily dubbed over by Gustl Bayrhammer (Meister Eder himself).
- The shrewd waitress in the local Wirtshaus (pub).
The following tropes are common to many or all entries in the Pumuckl franchise.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.
- Aesop Amnesia: Most lessons Pumuckl learns are forgotten by the beginning of the next episode.
- Catch Phrase: "Oh, das reimt sich! Und was sich reimt, ist gut, haha!" (Oh, that rhymes! And anything that rhymes is good, haha!)
- Does Not Like Spam: Pumuckl hates cheese (which he calls "foul milk").
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: The TV series contains several cases of people saying sh*t and at least two of a**hole... did I mention the show is rated suitable for all ages? It should be mentioned though that rules on cursing in media are a lot more lax in Germany.
- I Am Not Weasel: He is a kobold, but definitely not a Heinzelmännchen (little people from German fairy tales who come out at night and do household work).
- Invisibility: Pumuckl is invisible, unless he gets caught by a human (which includes him getting stuck to a glue pot). The kobold laws state that Pumuckl has to stay with said human if this happens, which is how the series starts. Many stories are about Pumuckl being in danger of being seen by someone else but Eder, which would mean that he had to leave Eder.
- Invisible Jerkass: Pumuckl routinely uses his invisibility to play pranks and pester people, his reasoning being that petty mischief is a kobold's natural calling.
- Limited Wardrobe: Pumuckl always wears a yellow shirt and green trousers.
- The Movie: Several of them.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: It's a Running Gag that Eder's friend Bernbacher never gets the name of Pumuckl right.
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: Only Eder can see Pumuckl (the only exception being when Pumuckl gets stuck somewhere).
- Oktoberfest: Set in Munich. Therefore it is well received among natives, as it loves to parody the various "backyard stereotypes" who reside in the old town of Munich.
- The Prankster: Pumuckl, of course.
- Retcon: While it had always been firmly established that Pumuckl could not leave Eder even if he had wanted to (due to "Kobold Law"), the 1994 movie blatantly ignored this so that Pumuckl could run away to make a river cruise on the Danube.
- Redheaded Hero
- Rhymes on a Dime: All the time!
- Roger Rabbit Effect: In the movies and series, except for the fully animated. Everything else is live action; Pumuckl is animated.
- The Ghost: Herr Wimmer is often mentioned but never personally appears aside being conversed with on the phone (where he still remains unheard).
- Trademark Favorite Food: Chocolate! (OK, who doesn't?)
- Whale Egg: While in the zoo (TV series only), Pumuckl found an ostrich's egg and thought it was an elephant's egg.
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