< Puella Magi Oriko Magica

Puella Magi Oriko Magica/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Oriko was never truly evil although her methods were pretty brutal, and she died protecting the lifeless body of Kirika.
    • Considering how utterly horrible said methods were, some people consider her Together in Death scene with Kirika a borderline Karma Houdini, even when she does acknowledge that she did it wrong.
  • Counterpart Comparison: A number of of people have found that Oriko, Kirika, and Yuma resemble various Touhou Project characters; for example, Yuma has been noted to look like Kisume and the common depiction of Daiyousei. Meanwhile, Kirika has a number of similarities to Renko Usami, while Oriko is much like Marbiel Hearn and Yukari Yakumo. The artist of Oriko Magica has drawn Touhou fanart.
    • Many mistook Kirika for Sayaka in untranslated preview images.
    • And Oriko's weapon resembles Reimu's Hakurei Ying-Yang orbs, or Marisa's Orreries Sun.
  • Epileptic Trees: Started the very moment the cover was revealed. The major topics were about when Oriko Magica takes place, and whether the new magical girls introduced in Oriko Magica would become witches that were seen in the anime.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Oriko, one of the main villains in the manga is often confused with Yuma, the little girl with green pigtails who appears of the cover of the first volume.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch:The first time we see Yuma's mother being eaten by an unseen witch, it's one of the most horrific, stomach-churning things to yet happen in the franchise. A few pages later, we learn what Yuma's mother was actually like, and people wish they high-five said witch.
  • Les Yay: Oriko and Kirika, who value each other above anyone else.
    • This, combined with Foe Yay, undertones Mami and Kirika's relationship.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Oriko herself.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Oriko releasing a Charlotte-like Witch in Madoka's class. Which is actually her friend Kirika transformed into a witch. And Witch!Kirika's familiars proceed to chomp Kazuko. And that's not mentioning how many innocent students die in that attack... aside of Madoka.
    • Arguably, also her murder of Madoka. In this particular timeline, everyone had learned the Awful Truth yet thanks to Yuma they managed to not fall into despair, so making Madoka swear off becoming a Magical Girl would've been reasonably easy and the girls would be Genre Savvy enough to not become witches. There was no need to kill Madoka anymore - and yet Oriko still did it. Likely just to spite Homura over her own death, rather than anything else.
    • Even worse is the fact that the Walpurgis Night is still around, which has shown to be unstoppable except for Madoka whose the only one with the potential to defeat it. It's possible that Madoka would still become a magical girl after learning of the Awful Truth, but it's not far-fetched to say she'll likely make the same wish she did at the end of the anime. In her own self-righteousness, Oriko think she has saved the world, but in reality she actually has doomed it because she has killed the only one who can defeat the Walpurgis Night.
  • Narm: Due to the art-style, some things are really hard to take seriously. For example, Yuma just saw her parents killed right in front of her, and she's wondering where she's going to go. It's a really sad scene, until...she makes this face (bottom right panel.)
    • Goddamnit, Madoka! You just saw your teacher being eaten alive, the witch familiars are attacking everyone, and you've just been separated from your friends. DON'T MAKE THAT CUTESY FACE! (bottom left)
  • Nightmare Fuel: 19 pages into the first chapter, and we already get our first instance of this trope. (Bottom middle panel.)
    • The image of Kyouko getting her arms and legs ripped off is sure to cause some to scream.
    • The scene of Kazuko-sensei being chomped by a Witch in chapter 5.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: After the Rousing Speech by Yuma, Mami promised that they will make Kyubey pay for tricking them after they beat Oriko. But then Homura rewinds time before that happened because Madoka died. God damn it, Homura.
  • Tear Jerker:Madoka's death. Even though it was a Foregone Conclusion due to this being a previous timeline, the last scenes had set up a Hope Spot for her survival. Also while in other timelines, only Homura was there to set her death, here we get an audience from Sayaka, Hitomi, Mami, Kyoko and Yuma. To make things more depressing, Word of God states that Homura can only turn back time after a month has passed from her discharge from the hospital, meaning that she had to dwell on her failure to save Madoka in this timeline for days or weeks.
    • Kyouko's thoughts as she thinks she's about to get killed, regretting that "it sure was a rough life" and wishing she could have had a good dream once. Her being neither happy with her life nor able to accept her own death is quite depressing.
  • The Scrappy: Some readers really don't like Yuma.
  • The Woobie: Yuma. Poor kid deserves a lot of hugs and comforting for all the trauma she's been through even before the story began.
    • This being Madoka Magica and all. It doesn't take long for Oriko and Kirika to enter Woobiedom either.
      • YMMV, for Oriko and Kirika's actions have made some readers lose sympathy for them.
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