< Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Puella Magi Madoka Magica/Heartwarming

  • In episode 3, Madoka promising to fight alongside Mami. Mami's reaction to this is so heartfelt and happy that you just know something bad's about to happen to her.
  • In episode 5, Madoka expresses concern about Sayaka becoming a Magical Girl particularly after what happened to Mami. Sayaka brushes her off saying that if she hadnt then she would have lost Madoka and Hitomi which she finds to be even scarier and assures Madoka that she wont need to contract because she will protect the city now. It's a Heartwarming moment since it shows just much Sayaka values her friends and ideals that she was willing to sign on to what she knew was a dangerous job, This scene only makes later events even more tearjerking.
    • On the same note as the last one, even though it really does lead to nowhere, Sayaka bringing up the newly-healed Kamijo up to the roof should at least count. Kamijo's parents, nurses, and doctors are all there to see him play his violin again, and you can tell that everyone present knows that they're in the presence of a true miracle.
  • In episode 9, Kyoko performing a Mercy Kill on Witch!Sayaka, along with a Heroic Sacrifice. Not because Sayaka couldn't be defeated without one, but because she didn't want Sayaka to die alone.
    • And prior to that, Kyoko and Madoka's talks give the girls some sweet bonding time short-lived as it may have been.
  • In episode 10, Homura swears to repeat her time-travelling 'eternal maze' as many times as it takes to save Madoka, her only friend. This is after you see what led her to be so cold in this version of the timeline...
    • Most of timeline 2 can be this starting from Homura's second introduction to Madoka where she expresses joy at seeing her friend alive again to Homura's first witch kill. The scenes are notable in that these are the only times we ever see Homura truly happy in contrast to her usual stoic self in the show at least until the finale.
  • In episode 12, Madoka calling Homura her best friend and giving her a heartfelt goodbye before she Ascends to A Higher Plane of Existence, leaving her with her ribbons as proof that she existed.
    • And before that, her either giving hope to other magical girls (including the ones from history like Anne Frank, Queen Himiko, Cleopatra and Joan of Arc), or making sure the ones who can't be saved will pass on smiling peacefully instead of despairing and being bewitched. And afterwards, Sayaka and Madoka being able to share one last talk before passing on (or ascending to a higher plane of existence depending on how you look at it), which makes Sayaka's fate a little less bitter. (Not to mention, thank the Gods Kamijou is shown later recalling her when he's back to music.)
    • Actually? The whole episode is heartwarming, in one way or another. If this is the happiest ending we can get from Gen Urobuchi, so be it.
    • Yes, all that is true. But that little moment when Madoka pets an Anthony is very touching.
    • This line is particularly noteworthy: Madoka: If someone says it's wrong to hope, I will tell them that they're wrong every time. I could tell them that countless times.
    • Meta example, with a bit of Foreshadowing : Remember how Urobochi mentioned his tragedy syndrome in the quotes section? And how the protagonists overcoming it would require a fundamental change in the universe they were in? You finally got that happy ending you wanted, Urobuchi. Good for you.
    • Homura, near the end: "Would you like them?" With everything those ribbons must have meant to her, she still offered them freely and happily, with the most gentle smile. After all the horror and anguish she struggled through, Akemi Homura found peace.
    • "Ganbatte!"
    • Actually, the whole episode can be summed up into one ultimate quote:

"Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, You Are Not Alone."

    • For this troper, it was Madoka's little brother Tatsuya loving his sister enough to remember her, despite the fact that he's barely a toddler and hadn't been at all involved in the Magical Girl stuff. That's right, his love for his big sister is powerful enough to survive a complete and utter rewrite of the world - just because she was his sister. This troper sobbed through that entire scene and is tearing up writing this entry.

One hopes that as he grows, Tatsuya and Homura become close, and can share memories of Madoka...together.

  • The end of the Madoka manga. After the normal ending, there are a few extra pages; Madoka and Homura, who is once again bespectacled and twin-braided, implying all her mental trauma is a thing of the past. Homura apologises for being such a gloomy friend, and Madoka laughs, assuring her that the two of them will be friends forever.
  • The Golden Ending in Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable. Everyone lives, come with the terms that they're liches and will make the best out of it, Madoka doesn't become a Magical Girl, and everyone has one big final tea party. It can happen, just gotta earn it.
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