Pube Muppet
"...Oh give me that pleasure! But not just any pleasure...pleasure that is the direct or indirect result of specifically homosexual erotica!"
Picture this: you're DrunkMagikoopa. You're respected by everyone on Newgrounds. Your Animutation are the stuff of legend. Where do you go from here? Troll your fanbase of course!
In July 2002, DrunkMagikoopa created pube mupit gos shoping!11, starring a disembodied, homosexual, promiscuous Kermit the Frog head with pubes, and followed it up with pube mupit gets license!1. They were designed to piss people off, and judging by their reviews, they succeeded. Then something unexpected happened... people liked them, and started creating their own, starting with pube mupit buys a pc!!111.
Eventually, Pubey migrated to YTMND and YouTube. He's mostly died out on Newgrounds and YTMND (although what hasn't died out on YTMND?), but there are still quite a few Pube Muppet video makers on YouTube.
The Clock Crew makes (or made) a lot of Pube Muppet videos.
- Ass Shove: "Oh wait, I found (object in PM's fantasies). I left it up my ass!"
- Catch Phrase: "Hello my good man, I am the Pube Muppet."
- "I would like an [X], but not just any [X]..."
- "Yes, that would be swell!"
- "What the fuck? What kind of piece of shit establishment is this? Fuck off and let me be!"
- "...because that kind of shit turns me on!"
- "What the fuck? What kind of piece of shit establishment is this? Fuck off and let me be!"
- "Yes, that would be swell!"
- "I would like an [X], but not just any [X]..."
- Creator Backlash: In DrunkMagikoopa's own words:
"By creating the Pube Muppet, I intended to figuratively take a shit on Newgrounds for the sole reason of pissing people off. Well, some people gobbled it up and demanded more... for reasons which will I'll never fully understand. I found the first few fan movies somewhat amusing, but WHEN PEOPLE ARE STILL DOING IT TEN FUCKING MONTHS LATER it becomes sort of annoying."
- Crossover: As mentioned below, Drew Pickles appears on Pube Muppet videos sometimes. Pubey also crosses over with Moon Man sometimes, such as in Moon Man goes to the doctor.
- Fan Nickname: "Pubey" for the title character.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Averted by Pube Nerd.
- Sex Bot: Robo-Pube
- Shaggy Dog Story: Pube Muppet never gets homosexual satisfaction. Ever.
- Spinoff Babies: Yes, they even have a "Pube Muppet Babies", complete with Pube Nanny.
- Statler and Waldorf: As proof of their omnipresence in anything Muppet-related, they get their own "Pube" re-imaginings, as Heterosexual Life Partners who are just as horny as Pube Muppet himself. Except with the opposite gender, to the point that they get turned on by anything with any vague mention of women, such as Aunt Jemima pancake mix and Mrs. Butterworth syrup.
- Stylistic Suck
- Synthetic Voice Actor: Pube Muppet is voiced by Speakonia's Adult Male #3, while the shopkeepers are voiced by various text-to-speech voices, usually Adult Male #1.
- The Rival: Drew Pickles plays this role in some videos, such as this one.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Pube Muppet gets off on pain, particularly having his own genitals mutilated.