< Psyren


Psyren is an awesome series. It has moments of awesome. Here they are. Spoilers:

  • Oboro catching Rise Master Kagetora off-guard and yanking his glasses off of his face the first time he attempts to use Rise. He was only there to heal any wounds.
  • In the videotape recovered by the Drifters, we get a villainous Crowning Moment of Awesome when The Elmore Kids taking on Big Bad Amagi Miroku during the Day of Revolution. And all dying at the hands of him from his Sephiroth attack that skewers them in every direction.
  • Shao taking on Haruhiko in the rescue Kagetora arc and rebounding his own attack against him.
  • Ageha finally controlling his draining Melchsee's Door that nearly killed his friends the first time he used it and nearly killing Dholaki.
    • In the same fight, Kabuto plays bait despite only having a very weak form of Visions in his arsenal of PSI abilities in order to buy time for Ageha to fully program his Melchsee's Lance. Never before has running away been so awesome.
  • Shiner and Dholaki's tag-team fight was full of them.
    • Dholaki, who had just been humiliated and is facing pending demotion for being defeated by Ageha, calculates exactly how the Melchsee's Lance works, and using nothing but his ordinary Explosia attack develops a perfect counter method, owning Ageha hard.
    • Kabuto Taking the Bullet for Ageha after his leg was blown off.
    • Shiner's schooling Hiryuu and Oboro at the same time, using his teleportation to launch Hiryuu into the stratosphere and stabbing Oboro in the chest to seriously wound him with his fingers before it was even noticed.
    • Elmore Wood kids reappearing as Future Badasses. Especially Kyle killing Dholaki in two simultaneous hits and Shao and Fredrica going head-to-head with Shiner, who had just most likely killed Hiryuu and Oboro without batting an eye, showing their new mastery of their powers
    • Yet who does the most damage to Shiner? Sakurako. Right when he is about to preform his ultimate attack, Sakurako interrupts him by breaking his arm.
  • In Chapter 70, we find out what happened to Matsuri, Kagetora, and Ian in the revised history. Ian's fate stands out as a Crowning Moment combined with Tear Jerker. After Matsuri and Kagetora pull a You Shall Not Pass to save him and the rest of the survivors, he begins healing everybody else. Nonstop. People keep telling him to take a break, he ignores them and keeps going. Eventually he overtaxes his brain, and when he realizes he's at his end calmly says he's going to lay down for a bit. He never woke up.
  • Marie making Smug Snake Usui beg for mercy and scream like a little girl. Beware the Nice Ones indeed.
  • Taiga and Okugou then taking dethroned and broken Usui, and making him their bitch even more.
  • Haruhiko Yumeji, one of Those Two Guys and one of the weaker secondary characters, watches Kagetora and Junas, two of the strongest Psychicers in the series, duke it out so fast that he can barely keep up with what is going on. Kagetora is about to bull-rush Junas, who has a long-range heat blade attack that will easily kill him upon contact. Haruhiko intervenes by throwing a Shotgun Bolt at Junas, negating the heat blade and Rise, allowing Kagetora to send Junas flying. Sure Kagetora did the serious damage, but Haruhiko gets the CMOA.
    • Kagetora also gets one that fight though for blocking Junas's knife with his forehead.
  • Grana. Nichirin Tentsui. That is all.
  • Matsuri in chapter 100, in a raid on a government facility. First, to get in, she grabs Ageha and jumps so high with Rise she's nearly flying, then proceeds to single-handedly kick the crap out of every guard they come across with Rise, before capping it off while surrounded by using Burst to psychically stop about a dozen guards bullets and throw them all against the wall.
  • How about when they're at the end of their first run to Psyren? Amamiya, who's been nearly catatonic most of the time, and had to be carried most of the way, proceeds to use Rise to catch the Tavoo's arrows. And at this point we have no idea what's going on, so it's completely random. Random, and badass.
  • Shao earned his place when he wrecked Vigo's shit. Hell, anyone who can get Vigo to make crap his pants like he did deserves recognition.
  • And now Kabuto earns one in his Curb Stomp Battle with Ash.
  • Frederica gets a nice one in the fight against Uranus when he completely freezes the air enough to nearly finish off Kyle and give her a tough time. When he is about to deal the finishing blow to Kyle, she comes back with a freaking beam of fire, seemingly blowing off half of Uranus' body. She caps it off with her attack against the asteroid Ouroboros itself, clearing the sky and letting sunlight come down to finish off Uranus and possibly turn the tide of the entire battle against the WISE. Too bad Grana can bend the sunlight and stop that from happening, but still...
    • In the following chapter Uranus apologizes to Grana for dying first before attacking them one last time and dying in the process. Grana then goes nuts and nukes them with Nichirin Tentsui, deciding that since they wanted sunlight so much, he would allow them to see it one last time as they died.
  • Sakurako follows up on her punching out Shiner and utterly rips him apart in a Curb Stomp Battle many chapters later.
  • Ageha activating Nova the first time, saving a projection of 07, and delivering not one, but TWO Pre-asskicking one-liners to Miroku, then unleashing the Raging King. Yes, that's four raw doors active at once, and then some.
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