Psycho Waluigi

...Heh heh heh heh heh!
Oh, be not afraid of the disembodied voice in your head! Even if I do know all your deepest secrets and darkest desires and all that fun stuff, but... moving on!
They call mePsycho Iris. I'm speaking directly into your mind through the wooonderful magic of psycho-kinesis.
Okay fine, I'm typing out this page for you to read. But I still am reading your mind as easily as you are reading this page.
Allow me to explain some things first. This web page... is the trope page for the amazing fangame,Psycho Waluigi.
Many, many people from your world, much like yourself, tend to find themselves on this page after... say, passing out on a Wiki Walk n' such.
Once here on Psycho Waluigi, the unconcsious mind is awakened, free to roam... previously unthought-of bits of knowledge and tropes come to light.
You know, like this very page itself? You can thankmefor it, by the way.
After all, I am a being of ultimate power beyond mortal comprehension blah blah blah...
...blah blah yadda yadda etceteras. So, what I am getting at... how would you like to use these Psycho Waluigi tropes and... oh, I don't know...
I know you want to, heh heh. After all, I do know everything about you and your twisted fetishes, your worst fanfiction, yadda yadda and so on...
But before you do, let's make sure that you... oh, you know, actually UNDERSTAND what Psycho Waluigi is about?
Psycho Waluigi is a fangame made by Thunder Dragon of MFGG fame. Set in the Mario Universe, it stars Wario's underappreciated partner, Waluigi.
After taking a nasty fall from his hot air balloon, Waluigi wakes up in an unfamiliar land with a strange, purple, eyeball cloud watching him. The eye identifies itself as Psycho Iris and tells Waluigi that he is in the land of Unconcia. He goes on to explain that due to both the natural influence of the land and his own phenominal power, Waluigi now has psychic powers. Now that he has his own super powers, what will he do with them. Save a princess of his own?
Nah, he's gonna go take out the Hazelnaut Army and conquer Unconcia for himself.
Now go on ahead, my little tyrant in training. Ruin some lives. Heh heh heh!
- Accidental Hero: Waluigi spends most of the game conquering kingdoms and kicking army ass, but then Psycho Iris reveals he'd rather destroy Unconcia than get bored ruling it and that's where Waluigi draws the line!
- A Day in the Limelight: And what a day it is for Waluigi!
- And Now for Something Completely Different: Occasionally, Waluigi will commandeer a tank or airplane from the Hazelnauts, leading to shooter segments with unique controls. Also, the world 0 stages have you take control of a mook, giving you unlimited access to that particular species' power.
- Auto-Scrolling Level: Some specific levels have this. Almost every level in the game has this occur when you reach the throne.
- Bad Liar: Psycho Iris constantly assures Waluigi that he has no plans to betray him. The closer Waluigi gets to releasing him, the more frantic the eyeball's claims become. Before the final level, he tries to tempt him by making ridiculous promises, saying that he'll give him the power to fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, and breathe, eat, and talk underwater ("You've been doing that, right?") before finally giving up and simply begging to be freed. It turns out that he was telling the truth the whole time. Mostly.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: The final boss fight takes place here. After Psycho Iris takes over Waluigi's unconscious body and seals the purple plumber in his own mind, Waluigi uses his imagination to create his own psychic powers and exorcise the iris from his body.
- Battleship Raid: Dreadnought Kingdom.
- Big Good: General Hazel and the Hazelnaut Army play this role, mobilizing to protect and take back the kingdoms that you conquer. Hazel herself pilots the mechs that you fight at the end of each world.
- Blah Blah Blah: Psycho Iris is quite prone to this.
- Boss Rush: Available after beating the game.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: After being defeated by Waluigi, Psycho Iris's final fate is left unknown. On the MFGG forum, Thunder Dragon provided the explanation that he is now trapped inside Waluigi's head and remains unseen, outside of the occasional freak signal. But then, he went on to state that he could be wrong or lying.
- Continuing Is Painful: Losing all your coins once Waluigi runs out of health isn't so bad, since earning gold crowns is optional. However, the timer doesn't reset, which can be inconvenient on harder levels (particularly the Final Conquest).
- Cross Player: Alluded to by Psycho Iris, in the stage description for Ninjette's Challenge...while seemingly talking to the player about their own desire to be a cute ninja girl.
- Crosshair Aware: Dreadnought Kingdom and Warm Welcome Kingdom.
- Creator Cameo: The king of the Static Void Kingdom will look very familiar to anyone who's seen Thunder Dragon's signature on the MFGG forums.
- Darker and Edgier: By Mario standards, that is. Conquering kingdoms can be somewhat jarring to players that are used to saving them.
- Destructible Projectiles: Hazelnaut bullets can be shot at fireballs.
- Disc One Final Dungeon: Blind Eye Kingdom. You didn't think Psycho Iris would really force you to fight him after he's unsealed, did you?
- Double Jump: Pink and Gold Eyeflies give Waluigi this ability.
- Easily-Conquered World: Inverted. You think there would be at least more defenses in each king's throne room at the end of the level besides the king himself shooting magic at you.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower
- Elite Mook: The Hazelnaut Infantries and Pyros essentially take the place of Hammer Bros in this game.
- Expy: Many enemies in this game are expies of various enemies of the Mario series. The only two enemies that are actually from the Mario series are Bob-ombs and Piranha Plants.
- Fundamentally Funny Fruit: Eyeflies are attracted to psychics who feed them eggplant. Upon breaking Psycho Iris's seal, Waluigi learn that he had been cursed into the form of an eggplant, and he had to eat him in order to free Psycho Iris's spirit and gain his ultimate power.
- Gimmick Level: Every stage, usually in form of a level-unique task, hazard or other gameplay mechanic.
- The Goomba: Goomlet
- Goomba Stomp: Waluigi can do this, as expected.
- Gravity Screw: Falling Sky Kingdom.
- The Greatest Story Never Told: When Waluigi returns to the Mushroom Kingdom, he tries to tell Wario about his adventures, but Wario doesn't believe him. Well, less "disbelieving" than plain not caring and getting bored to sleep (thanks to the former's story delivery).
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Your standard attack is to pick people up and throw them at other people.
- Hannibal Lecture: Psycho Iris gives one to Waluigi once his own plans for Unconcia come to light.
- Hero Antagonist: General Hazel.
- HP to One: In the area before the battle with Psycho Iris. Waluigi heals himself before long, though.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Ninjette.
- Invincibility Power-Up: With a twist -- the Ragin' Rainbow Stars are harmful to you, so you need to grab it with your psychic powers and use Mind Control to become invincible.
- Jump Scare: The Face (an MFGG In-Joke) makes a cameo appearance in Static Void Kingdom.
- Meaningful Echo: "After all, this is your mind. Anything you think up will become reality..."
- Meaningful Name: Blind Eye Kingdom was built primarily to seal away Psycho Iris, thus blinding him.
- Mind Control: In a manner reminiscent of Kirby, Waluigi can use the Mark of Psycho Iris to pick up minions with special powers and use their skills against the other enemies. This can turn Goddamned Bats like the Frolruses into weapons of mass destruction.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Congratulations, general! You've knocked Waluigi unconscious and stopped his rampage...but that allowed Psycho Iris to possess his body. Whoops.
- Nobody Can Die: At least, not in Unconica.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Once freed, Psycho Iris wants to destroy the conquered Unconcia. Waluigi doesn't approve of this plan very much.
- Our Founder: Most post-boss level cutscenes involve Waluigi spreading statues of himself over the kingdoms he's conquered. At the end of the game, it's revealed that a statue was erected in honor of Waluigi defeating Psycho Iris and saving Unconcia.
- Power-Up Food: Waluigi can collect eggplants to attract Eyeflies.
- Pragmatic Villainy: Waluigi eventually thwarts Psycho Iris's plans of destroying Unconcia, because he'd rather rule it himself.
- Prop Recycling: Several backgrounds and tilesets are directly lifted from other Marioverse games. Nevertheless, they're edited well enough so that they don't visually clash too much.
- Rainbow Speak
- Reality Is Out to Lunch: In Static Void Kingdom.
- Recurring Riff: The Waluigi Pinball theme gets remixed a few times throughout the game.
- Recursive Reality: Subverted. In the ending, it initially looks like Waluigi would be forced to create another Unconcia-like world inside his own mind. However, he breaks out of Psycho Iris's control.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Psycho Iris leaves you for the penultimate level, due to bad memories of the time he tried to conquer that kingdom alone. This means you'll have to rely on traditional Mario styled platforming rather than the Psychic Powers you've grown accustomed to.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Psycho Iris causually mentions that the cloud cursor that you are using isn't really him, but a psychic manifestation he's using to guide you. He's really sealed at the bottom of the ocean, waiting for someone to free him.
- Slouch of Villainy: The goal of every level is to reach the kings and take over their thrones.
- Sugar Bowl: Amusingly, the penultimate level, Blind Eye Kingdom, is one of these, despite being being set up as a dark and spooky place and being smack in the center of the Mordor like World 6. Made even better by Psycho Iris' apprehension about the stage, his horror story about his first defeat there, and his terrified Screw This, I'm Outta Here once you finally reach it.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Once Psycho Iris is freed, he fuses with Waluigi, creating the titular Psycho Waluigi. While in this form, Waluigi can fly and shoot an incredibly powerful laser blast from his mind.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Played with. Psycho Iris constantly tries to put Waluigi's mind at ease that he has no plans to betray him when he is free. He's telling the truth. He wants to join forces with Waluigi to make the most of both their power. Then he eventually ends up having a different plan for the conquered Unconcia than Waluigi does. And winds up locking Waluigi up in his mind when he is knocked unconscious.
- Take Over the World
- Timed Mission: Each level has a time limit of 400 seconds.
- Title Drop: "Now, you and I have truly become one... from this day forward, we shall be known and feared as Psycho Waluigi!"
- Also done during the ending for comedic effect while Waluigi and Wario are talking. "Psycho... Psycho... Psycho..." "WALUIGI! WALUIGI! WALUIGI!"
- Video Game Settings:
- Band Land: Musica Kingdom.
- Blackout Basement: Sleeping Ship Kingdom.
- Bubbly Clouds/Levels Take Flight: World 4.
- Bubblegloop Swamp: Crystal Swamp Kingdom.
- Capital City: World 2.
- Death Mountain: World 5.
- Green Hill Zone: Warm Welcome Kingdom...right until the Hazelnaut Army bombards the whole place.
- Hailfire Peaks: Desert Freeze Kingdom.
- Mordor: World 6. (Which are the kingdoms Psycho Iris had conquered. The exception is Blind Eye Kingdom, which was built to capture him so he could be sealed away and thus does not share the setting theme.)
- Remilitarized Zone: Bomb Shell Kingdom (along with most boss levels.)
- Slippy-Slidey Ice World: World 1.
- Space Zone: Part of the Final Conquest.
- Under the Sea: World 3.
- Victory Is Boring: Discussed. Once Psycho Iris reveals his true intentions, he explains to Waluigi that he'd rather have Unconcia destroyed than have to deal with all that comes with ruling it (bureaucracy and so forth). He does initially relent, hoping that Waluigi will eventually snap from boredom. Then Hazel attacks them and Waluigi gets knocked out, allowing Psycho Iris to take over his body.
- Villain Protagonist
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Subverted. After Waluigi frees Psycho Iris, the latter says he's going to destroy the former. Psycho Iris then admits he's just telling Waluigi what he expected to hear.
And... that's that! I think I'll be done bothering you... at least for now. So until you exit out of your internet browser...