Psycho Busters
Based off a three part series of light novels by Yuya Aoki, creator of GetBackers, Psycho Busters is a seven volume manga by Akinari Nao about a group of psychics trying to escape an evil organization bent on ending the world as we know it. While trying to escape, the group is pursued by The Farmers--members of The Greenhouse who capture psychics and perform horrifying experiments on them--and are forced to jump off a cliff (doing so will not kill them because they seem capable of themselves); just as they hit the bottom, the leader, Joi, tells the others to find Kakeru, who is the only one who can help them defeat The Greenhouse once and for all. Meanwhile, Kakeru is left alone for the summer (actually, he was ditched by his mother and sister, who get to go to Hawaii, not that he cares...) when all of a sudden, he finds a beautiful naked girl in his bedroom. Said girl is Ayano, one of the members of the psychic gang trying to escape from The Farmers' clutches. Kakeru soon finds himself joining the group totally unaware of the power he contains deep within him.
The first chapter lampshades several common anime romantic comedy and adventure tropes as Kakeru goes about the house while his family is away.
- All Men Are Perverts: Not that they mean to be...
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Kakeru defeats several powerful psychics mostly by figuring out the weakpoints and brutally exploiting them.
- Badass Normal: Kakeru. But it's implied that he has some powers deep within.
- It's eventually revealed that his continued survival is due to subconscious use of his ridiculously potent power, which allows him to control time and space within the range of his Perfect World.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Kakeru--and to a less extent on the perverted aspect--Kaito, Xiao Long, and Joi.
- Combat Medic: Xiao Long.
- Complete Monster: The Greenhouse/Ikushima.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Xiao Long and Takemaru.
- Deus Ex Machina: Kakeru's reappearence in the end, after he erases himself from existence. There's very little explanation to it and the title of the last chapter is "Miracle".
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: One of the bonus Yonkomas has Joi and Kaito marveling at how big a giant cyclops is.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Ikushima. Just... Ikushima.
- Heroes Want Redheads: In the manga, Ayano is drawn with dark red hair.
- Ho Yay: It is very easy to read Takemaru's behavior after his Heel Face Turn as him being Tsundere for Kakeru. Given that the Omake comics Lampshade this, it's probably not accidental.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: All the psychics.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Kakeru.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Ayano; it really doesn't help that her teammates are all guys...
- Mobstacle Course: Of zombies!
- Meaningful Name: The kanji for Kakeru means 'flight', and fleeing is one of the things he does best; Takemaru means 'fierce'.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Joi.
- Playing with Fire: Kaito.
- Prophetic Dreams: Joi's power is seeing into the future.
- Psychic Powers: Hello! It's called Psycho Busters for a reason!
- Smart People Wear Glasses: Joi.
- Tempting Fate: In the first chapter, Kakeru says that there's no way that the exciting stuff he sees on TV or videogames could possibly be true. Guess what happens next.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Starting in volume 3.