Psychic Academy

Psychic Academy follows the life of Ai Shiomi, a boy with psychic powers, also known as "aura power" in modern day Japan. This ability has emerged in the world, but not all people have it. Aura power itself allows certain elements such as fire, water, ice, wind, lightning, earth, and light to be used by those who have the ability. Which type of power they can use depends on their aura and what they are taught.

Ai agrees to attend the Psychic Academy School after being pressured by his brother. The school is where the elite students go to learn how to use their elemental aura power. Ai knows that somewhere within the Academy is his childhood friend Orina. At school however, she is known as Saara, after her aura code. On his way to his first day at school, Ai encounters a girl named Myuu (Mew). She is another student at the Academy and is a very quiet, seemingly moody girl. Ai also learns that his older brother Zero, a legend amongst those with aura powers, will be one of his teachers.

As Ai struggles with his new school, a life he is not sure he wants; a crazy rabbit takes him as his student. His feelings for Orina and Myuu begin to develop and contrast as the school year progress. Ai also makes discoveries about his rare light aura. To further complicate things, a group of researches try to artificially awaken the dormant aura genes within all humans, heedless of the danger and damage to society it might cause.

Tropes used in Psychic Academy include:
  • Abusive Parent: Myuu's father used her as a guinea pig, resulting in her powers becoming strong enough to damage her own health and a permanent severe phobia. He cared so little for his daughter that he never bothered to name her.
  • Berserk Button: If certain aura users feel a certain emotion too strongly, their powers go out of control. For Fafa, it's sorrow. For Myuu, it's rage.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Watabe's scheme is thwarted, but Myuu dies from injuries sustained when she loses control of her powers.
  • First Girl Wins: But not until the final chapter, and then only posthumously. Of course, the revelation that the girl that Ai met on that beach was Myuu and not Orina only comes a third of the way through the story.
  • Girl of My Dreams: Ai meets Myuu in the Paradream before meeting her in person.
  • Inverse Law of Complexity to Power
  • No Name Given: A sizable portion of the cast answers to their Aura Code, a collection of syllables that somehow describes their powers, rather than their actual name. Addressing a person by their actual name is a privilege most aura users reserve for relatives and close friends.
    • In addition, Myuu doesn't have a name. Her parents never bothered to name her, as they only saw her as a test subject, not a person. In the end, Ai ends up naming her Suzume.
    • Myuu's father also has no listed first name. He is simply Professor Watabe.
  • School for Scheming: The Aura reseach center is suppose to be like Academy, but with Professor Watabe at the helm the result is With Great Power Comes Great Insanity to the poor kids in order to insure power for the humans.
  • Super-Hero School: The whole purpose of the school is teach young psychic to control their power and use their power for good of mankind.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Myuu is terrified of rain due to a mostly suppressed memory of when her powers went out of control and started a fire that killed her mother - all she remembers is the sound of the sprinklers going off. It's so bad that she literally cannot bring herself to go outside when it's raining.
  • World of Buxom anybody old enough to have one.
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