< Prunus Girl

Prunus Girl/Characters

Class 1-A


  • The Ace
  • Brilliant but Lazy -- He'll do things right the first time, but only so it's easier to laze around after. Anything optional is "a pain" and to be avoided, including clubs, sports, and dating.
  • Cuteness Proximity -- Cats (and sometimes Aikawa).
  • He Is Not My Girlfriend -- As often as people assume Aikawa is female, they almost always assume at the same time that Maki and Aikawa are dating. Maki has repeatedly had to explain their relationship and Aikawa's sex at the same time.
  • Incompatible Orientation -- Maki's main excuse to not go out with Aikawa. Nobody really believes him.
  • Last-Name Basis -- Maki only ever uses surnames unless pushed.
  • Only One Name -- His own surname, meanwhile, is a mystery. Even his doorplate only has "Maki" on it.
  • Only Sane Man -- Which he occasionally laments.
  • Real Men Wear Pink -- Stays on top of household chores and is a spectacular cook.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts -- Unconsciously so, with Aikawa. Maki can be amazingly romantic without thinking about it.

Aikawa Kizuna

  • Ambiguous Gender -- Claims to be male, even his school ID states he's male, but there may still be room for doubt.
  • Clingy Jealous Guy -- Early on he tries to get Maki to answer love letters and accept confessions, but becomes much more jealous of Maki possibly having a non-Aikawa love life as time goes on.
  • Closet Key -- "Who cares as long as he's cute!" is regularly heard in proximity to Aikawa.
  • Cosplay Otaku Guy -- Any excuse to dress up, Aikawa will take.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy -- Aikawa is cuter than most girls and always knows what guys are thinking. It doesn't get more dangerous than that in a romantic comedy.
  • Lethal Chef -- Aikawa scrambles eggs when trying to fry them, and that's the least of his culinary shortcomings.
  • Recursive Crossdressing -- It's still a possibility that Aikawa is a girl claiming to be a guy who crossdresses as a girl. Mostly he just uses this hypothesis to tease Maki, though.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts -- Unlike Maki, this is always intentional.
  • Single-Target Sexuality -- Aikawa claims he wouldn't be against going out with another guy, but Maki's the only one he actively shows an interest in.
  • The Slacker -- To the point the others question how Aikawa could have passed the entrance exams for the school, which set a high bar.
  • The Tease -- If "Ambiguous Gender" is the first major character trait by which one could identify Aikawa, then this is a close second.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser

Hanasaka Shion

  • Action Girl -- Knows karate, and both she and Maki acknowledge that there's no way he could take her in a fight. Hasn't yet had to show her skills off, though.
  • Closet Key -- For Tachibana Non and apparently a number of others at her old school.
  • The Four Loves -- Admits to loving Maki, though it's entirely Storge and Phileo, definitely not Eros. Feels Eros for girls in general and Kana in particular.
  • Gaydar -- Spots Kandaka-sensei easily.
  • New Transfer Student -- Arrives shortly before summer break.
  • Schoolgirl Lesbians -- With no signs of it being declared "just a phase" anywhere in sight.

Tachibana Non

Asakura Asami

  • Hopeless Suitor -- Her hopeless crush on Maki is one of her defining character traits, the poor girl. And the hopelessness of her suit gets rubbed in with nearly every appearance.
  • Those Three Girls -- With Non and Kei.

Sasakino Kei

  • Sibling Seniority Squabble -- Kei usually objects to any teasing from Ken by pointing out she's the "older" of the two.
  • Those Three Girls -- With Non and Asami.
  • Twincest -- Kei loves her brother, but has yet to act on it.
  • Twin Tropes -- Generally averted, aside from a reasonable family similarity with her brother Ken. If they weren't in the same grade, they'd seem like any pair of siblings close in age.

Sasakino Ken


  • Brilliant but Lazy -- Kadoyama gets the best grades in the class, if not the year. He still copies Maki's homework.
  • Hidden Depths -- Seriously, would you expect his grades to be that amazing?
  • Large Ham

Class 1-C

Wakakusa Kana

Satou Haruko

Student Council

President "Call Me Chris" Naitou

  • Megane -- May be Purely Aesthetic Glasses, knowing him and his love of tropes.
  • Genre Savvy -- Goofball though he may be, he knows how to entertain and seems to consciously invoke tropes to help the student council and the student body at large.
  • Large Ham -- And people love to watch.
  • Student Council President -- Elected not because he's smart, skilled, or respected, but because people like to watch his antics. For all that, he's dedicated to making school life as fun and worthwhile as it can be for the student body.


Asakura Shizuya

Faculty and Staff

Kandaka Ayako-sensei

Assistant Director Ranbashi Ran

  • Brilliant but Lazy -- Kept pace with Kandaka-sensei in grades when they were both students, but didn't have to study to keep up.
  • Cool Director -- Very popular with the students, and likes to share souvenirs from her travels.
  • Hot Teacher -- Introduced with a focus directly on her breasts and a caption "Just who is the owner of that pair of incredibly destructive weapons!?"
  • Marshmallow Hell -- Ably endowed for such a feat and inflicts it on Aikawa in her first appearance.
  • Former Schoolgirl Lesbians -- No longer a schoolgirl but still a lesbian, and still with Kandaka.
  • Sensei-chan -- Students refer to her as "Ran-chan" despite being the assistant director of the school.

Aijyou Sennin-sensei

  • Cool Teacher -- Chemistry teacher, always willing to do random flashy "experiments" with dry ice or volatile chemicals in class.

Chairman Haginaga

  • Cool Teacher -- The head of the school, and is the one who made the Absurdly Powerful Student Council so Absurdly Powerful, as part of a larger drive to teach the students independence and responsibility (and also to just enjoy their high school days).
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