< Prototype 2

Prototype 2/Characters

Sgt. James Heller

"My name is Sgt. James Heller, and I will destroy Alex Mercer."

A marine who lost his family to the infection while he was away on duty. He returns to Manhattan, runs a series of suicide missions in the Red Zone, and is eventually mortally wounded. Mercer is impressed by his skill, however, and infects Heller with his unique strain of Blacklight. Now a newly super powered Heller vows to kill Mercer.

"Enough of your fucking weird, fucking rambling SHIT. GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER!"

  • Person of Mass Destruction: Fully capable of destroying everything in the streets of New York in somewhere between an instant and a few minutes, by himself.
  • Plaguemaster: An even better example of one than his progenitor, as he can infect his victims with a particularly vicious power named Biobomb. The afflicted are first engulfed in a mass of fleshy tentacles, then they are torn apart by the tentacles, which then proceed to impale unfortunate bystanders. He can also summon and control up to four Brawlers (depending on Mass upgrades).
  • Scary Black Man: Considering his powers, which become even greater than Alex's, they don't come much scarier.
  • Shapeshifter Weapon: Mostly the same as his predecessor, but more organic-looking.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Was diagnosed with both PTSD and Unstoppable Rage.
  • Sir Swearsalot: Becomes noticeably much more vulgar after he loses his family.
  • Smarter Than You Look: He's gruff as all hell and not always eloquent, which makes him seem a bit like Dumb Muscle. However, he's at times startlingly witty (though he ascribes to Black Comedy) and the way he utterly turns Blackwatch upside-down makes it clear that he's tactically brilliant. Likewise, being a sergeant in the Marine corps requires no little amount of intelligence.
  • Spanner in the Works: Unwittingly at first, and then later intentionally, screws up Alex Mercer's plans to take over the world.
  • Super Senses: Viral Sonar.
  • Super Strength: Even greater than Mercer's.
  • What You Are in the Dark: Decides not to kill Rooks when he is on the phone and only they are in the room because he sees how he does care for his family, and doesn't want to turn out as bad as Mercer.
  • World's Strongest Man: Upon defeating and consuming Alex Mercer, after the latter had absorbed multiple Evolved at once in order to boost his powers, Heller has established himself as the single strongest being in the entire Prototype universe.

Father Guerra

A priest who runs the church in the Yellow Zone that Heller and his family once attended. He tried to meddle with Blackwatch's experiments, but failed and barricaded himself in his church. Heller snaps him out of his Despair Event Horizon and Guerra provides him with intel on Blackwatch supplied by a contact called Athena. Alex Mercer and a horde of Infected kill him after Heller becomes a threat to his plans.

  • Badass Preacher: He's as compassionate as any priest should be, which does not mean he's averse to keeping an iron pipe close at hand should someone threaten his flock.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The guy knows a lot more than he should oughta about guerrilla warfare. Apparently, he's had a lot of tattoos removed.
  • Meaningful Name: "Guerra" is Spanish for "war".
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard
    • Revenge by Proxy: Killed by Alex Mercer and his Infected as revenge for Heller interfering with his plans for Whitelight.

"Athena" A.K.A. Dana Mercer

Tropes listed on the character sheet from the first game.

Alex Mercer

Tropes listed on the character sheet from the first game.

Dr. Koenig

The lead virologist of Gentek, he's also in charge of its major projects in New York. Because Heller was infected directly by Alex Mercer, Koenig has taken a particular interest in him. He is one of Mercer's spies, having been infected with the same strand of Blacklight that gave him and Heller their powers, and was in charge of developing Whitelight- an upgraded version of Blacklight.

Sabrina Galloway

The Chief Financial Officer of Gentek, Galloway is in charge of Gentek's financial affairs. She is also one of Alex Mercer's spies, having been infected with the same strand of Blacklight that gave him and Heller their powers.

Heller: Who's side are you on?
Galloway: Mine.

Colonel Douglas Rooks

The commander of Blackwatch operations in NYZ.

  • Bald of Evil
  • Colonel Badass
  • Dirty Business: He's not a very good person, at one point sanctioning rape since to do otherwise would waste man-power and supplies. However, the game leaves him a somewhat sympathetic figure and surprisingly the Lesser of Two Evils, without denouncing his underlying mission of sterilization and control.
  • Pet the Dog: Cares deeply for his own family.
  • Not So Different: He seems to realize this when he discovers Heller's daughter is still alive, realizing how he could use that against Heller and to his own advantage.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Sort of. Kills his own men in order to let Heller escape NYZ with his daughter because it just wasn't worth the effort to kill him when he didn't care about fighting for anything but her.

Lieutenant Clint Riley

Rook's aide.

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