< Protectors of the Plot Continuum

Protectors of the Plot Continuum/Awesome

  • Makes-Things, on whom a bridge had been dropped, was given a proper death scene a while later. This included the following awesome Badass bit. Shortly before his death, he'd been busy Duplicating TARDISes for Agents' use when the mother of all macroviruses attacked. He turned the Duplicator into a Transmogrifier, forced the giant thing into a box a fraction of its size, turned the monster into a cockroach, and stomped the fucking thing. Unfortunately, it turned into a Dying Moment of Awesome when he failed to notice the second, equally huge macrovirus right behind him.
  • In this corner, you have Twp'atwt, a Complete Monster who has just been systematically murdering the DIS's prisoners. In this corner, you have Agent Blue Photon, who's been in the dungeon for months. Guess which one inflicts an Eye Scream on the other. Hint: It's not Twp. Seven years later, they fight again, and it's even more of a Curb Stomp Battle when Twp loses his other eye and the text implies that he is tortured to death.
  • In one mission, Agents Suicide and Ithalond took on a Potterverse Mary Sue who had appropriated the powers of Sekhmet The Destroyer along with some from Imhotep. They took her on knowing she would whoop their asses, but then Sekhmet herself lent a hand. Exit Sue.
  • The Department of Geographical Abberations once ran into a Sue in a Lord of the Rings fanfic who had the ability to merge with things and creatures. When they cornered her, she panicked and merged with the entire planet of Arda. What did the PPC do? Why, call in every agent in HQ, and perform a simultaneous planetwide exorcism. After a record-breaking charge list, Dafydd then fed her to Mini-Balrogs.
    • Speaking of Dafydd, he ended his career by taking on two Legendary Badfics (the So Bad It's Good "Legolas By Laura" and the horrifying Squick-fest "Celebrian") in a row. After he completely flips out with a confiscated Suevian Artifact of Doom at the latter, accidentally killing himself in the process, his girlfriend Constance Simms gets her own awesome points for marching into the Halls of Mandos and chewing out Mandos himself until he brings him back to life.
  • Agents Kirill and Zug managing to overcome the influence of a Wraith that was amplifying their resentment of each other and driving them to try to kill each other, with the power of love.
  • "Mission Six: Snapback". They killed "Cupcakes."
    • This one counts not just because they took down a horrifying Grimdark fic in a seriously impressive way (that's par for the course with the PPC), but because the canon itself was fighting back. Because My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is very recent, very popular, very well-written, and has a lot of positive emotions tied up in it, the continuum almost killed the fic by itself. Not too bad for a show about ponies.

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