< Promotion to Opening Titles

Promotion to Opening Titles/Playing With

Basic Trope: A Recurring Character achieves a high enough level of screen time and plot relevance to get added to the show's Title Sequence.

  • Straight: Sixth Ranger Felicia is added to the Heroes of Troperia 's Title Sequence after she becomes a regular member of the Five Six Man Band. Also, Bob and co. can't risk losing her, because her power is essential to defeat Emperor Evulz.
  • Exaggerated: Grendel's Warband is added to the Heroes of Troperia 's Title Sequence after they undergo Heel Face Turn en masse, doubling the length of the Title Sequence.
  • Justified: Felicia has become that important to Bob and co.'s struggle.
  • Inverted: Felicia is removed from the Title Sequence after she's no longer important to the story.
  • Subverted: There is only one episode where Felicia is in the Title Sequence, where she is the Big Damn Heroes.
  • Double Subverted: Except that she steadily becomes more important story-wise after that episode, and she gets added permanently to the Title Sequence a few episodes later.
  • Parodied: Felicia is a recurring background extra. In one episode, she's given a single, unimportant line. This episode adds her to the Title Sequence with prominence equal to the main characters.
  • Deconstructed: After she is added to the Title Sequence, she loses that certain charm related to her lack of Plot Armor, and the audience begins to see her character flaws, which there are many.
  • Reconstructed: The author makes up for it by making sure that whatever people like in Felicia stays relevant in the show.
  • Zig Zagged: She's billed on a per episode basis.
  • Averted: The Title Sequence stays the same throughout the show's run.
  • Enforced: The audience demanded that Felicia be added to the Title Sequence.
    • Inverted Enforced: The audience demanded that Felicia be removed from the Title Sequence. They even sent death threats to the author!
  • Lampshaded: "Welcome to the board, Fe! Enjoy the spotlight!"
  • Invoked: See And Starring.
  • Exploited: The reality show Trope Me Harder changes its Title Sequence based on viewers' vote on who is the most interesting character in the previous episode. Since this is obviously the inverse of Vicious Cycle as far as popularity is concerned, Felicia lies, cheats, and backstabs her way into getting added into the Title Sequence. It works.
  • Defied: Despite the audience's demand for Felicia to be added to the Title Sequence, she was never added.
  • Discussed: "So, do they pay you more now that you're a regular member of the team?"
  • Conversed: "Took them long enough to add her."
  • Played For Drama: It's obvious that fan-favourite Recurring Character Felicia is fated to die soon. The author knows people love her and would hate to lose her, so she was permanently added to the Title Sequence... starting from the episode where she dies.
  • Played For Comedy: On A Day in the Limelight episode revolving around Felicia, they completely restructure the title sequence around her.

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