< Prometheus


  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: H. R. Giger reprising his design duties from Alien. Plus, this is Ridley Scott's first sci-fi film in 30 years. And it will be rated R!
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: David pretty much steals the show.
    • Captain Janek is proving to be pretty popular among fans as well.
  • Paranoia Fuel: David can access the memories of the crew whilst they are in stasis. They've been in stasis for over two years. Furthermore entrusting your life to an amoral synthetic for that length of time is unnerving.
  • Freud Was Right: Where do we even start? Parent/child issues (both literal and metaphorical), pregnancy based Nightmare Fuel, an android who may or may not have the hots for the protagonist, rape themes, all kinds of disgusting organic things being inserted in bodies. This movie has to be seen to be believed. Preferably while smoking an oversized cigar.
  • Scenery Porn
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The only reason that someone Guy Pearce's age would be cast as a really old man would be if he becomes younger again. This doesn't happen.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Most of the cast at several points of the film make mind-numbingly stupid choices, like repeatedly removing their helmets in a place they know to contain highly virulent contagent, and treating quarantine protocols like a joke.
    • One of those is explicitly lampshaded by Shaw, after Charlie mutates and is killed. She points out that they may have been exposed to whatever infected him on account of running around without helmets.
    • Millburn is admittedly a biologist, but he really should have known better than to approach that hissing cobra like creature and stroke it. It's all the more frustrating because he was so savvy earlier, decamping the instant they'd actually found a dead alien.
    • Holloway, later. There is a bloody worm in his eye, and he doesn't ask to look for medical help before venturing back into the place he possibly contracted it in.
      • Although upon realizing what's really happening, he does force Vickers to incinerate him while there's still time.
    • Surprisingly averted by Vickers, who is the only one to refuse Charlie access on board the ship when he's infected, despite the ulterior motives of the Prometheus' mission.
    • And why haven't Shaw and Vickers considered running out of the path of the falling spaceship instead of in the same direction it's crashing in. At least it's subverted by Shaw who's smart enough to roll out of the ship's path at the last second.
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