Promethean: The Created/YMMV

  • I Am Not Shazam: Frankenstein's monster has no name; call him Mr. Verney, though.
  • Paranoia Fuel: Pandorans in Dormancy often resemble the sorts of inanimate things that you might mistake for monsters out of the corner of your eye.
  • Tear Jerker: The backstory for the sample Torch-Born. Even if you do everything right, and with the best of intentions, you can still end up creating a monster. Knowing how it's going to turn out doesn't make reading about the unfortunate Frankenstein's plans to raise his son any easier.
  • Uncanny Valley: One of the many effects of the Disquiet.
  • The Woobie: Almost the entire Promethean race could qualify.
    • Special mention: An Osiran attained her humanity and was reborn while retaining her memories as a Promethean; her husband, whom she had met on the first day of her human life, dies in front of her eyes and she then uses her knowledge of the Prometheans to rebirth him. Albeit he now exists without the memories of their love, the text indicates she's starting to act like a Stalker with a Crush and that he's not likely to regain his humanity any time soon.
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