Project Snowblind

Project: Snowblind is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Eidos Interactive. It was originally conceived as a multiplayer-focused third game in the Deus Ex series, Deus Ex: Clan Wars, but after the less than expected commercial performance of Deus Ex: Invisible War, it was decided to set the game in its own universe. Nevertheless, it remains a spiritual sequel to Deus Ex and retains many visible and conceptual links to its progenitors.
In Project: Snowblind, the player assumes the identity of Nathan Frost, a soldier in an international peacekeeping force known as the Liberty Coalition. After being critically injured during an enemy attack, Frost is implanted with experimental nano-technological augmentations and enhancements, turning him into "the soldier of the future." Frost must use his new powers to help lead the Coalition to victory against overwhelming odds.
- AKA-47: The standard assault rifle used by both sides highly resembles the Chinese QBZ-95 and its ilk. Given that the game takes place in Hong Kong, it makes sense to see Chinese guns.
- Auto Revive: Manually triggered, but if you're downed when you're carrying a specific boost, you get back up at full health.
- Bag of Spilling: Averted from the second level afterwards. The weapons you receive throughout the game will stick with you to the end, and the ammunition at the start of each level will be the same as it was at the end of the previous level.
- Bullet Time: One of the earliest augmentations slows things down, being called a reflex boost.
- Collapsing Lair: Overloading the final reactor will start the detonation sequence. In the final level that follows, Frost needs to escape from the building before it explodes..
- Cutscene Power to the Max: Several cutscenes have Nathan Frost casually gunning down Republic soldiers like it's nobody's business.
- The Dead Have Names: Every allied NPC soldier is given a unique name: at the end of the game, the player is treated to a memorial wall listing the name of every soldier that died under your command during the game's missions.
- Disc One Final Boss: You fight and kill General Yan Lo, the Big Bad and the game's only boss fight, only about 60% of the way through the game, with the remaining levels being spent attempting to stop Yan Lo's plot from succeeding.
- Elite Mooks: The Republic Elites, which are not only a lot tougher than regular troops but have nano-augmented powers such as cloaking, shields or super-speed (though unlike you, they're limited to one power per soldier, with most of them seeming to focus on cloaking).
- Enemy Chatter: Quite a few missions allow you to overhear conversations between Republic soldiers, and they're often quite comical.
- Humongous Mecha: The Ogre walkers.
- Interface Screw: Occurs whenever Frost is hit with EMP or a Flashbang Grenade. In the former, his HUD is filled with static and is rendered "snowblind" for a few seconds, and in the latter, his vision is temporarily blurred by a white light.
- Made of Iron: In the second level, the other Coalition soldiers you meet and interact with throughout the level have a ridiculously high HP level. Unlike every other killable NPC (hostile or friendly) that normally only take one or two punches to kill, it takes twenty to thirty punches to kill one of them, and firearms barely phase them (and since A: they're on your side, and B: you're only given enough ammunition to fill one mag for each gun in that level, shooting them isn't recommended, anyway).
- Also, the Ballistic Shield augmentation makes Frost himself like this for a while.
- Mook Face Turn: The secondary function of the sniper rifle fires a bullet containing mind-altering drugs that cause any Republic soldier hit with one of them to attack any other Republic soldier in sight, before killing the soldier itself a few seconds later. Also, the Icepick allows Frost to hack into computer terminals and override the AI of any bots and turrets whose control system is connected to them and reprogram them to attack the Republic.
- Red and Black and Evil All Over: The military hardware of the Republic has a black color scheme outlined with red lights. Oddly averted for their infantry's military uniforms, which are urban camo.
- Shock and Awe: The Electric Storm augmentation.