< Professor Layton and the Unwound Future

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future/YMMV

  • Crazy Awesome: Pretty much the entire last two-thirds of the game.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Theme of the Last Time Travel is pretty great.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: CLIVE.
  • Fridge Horror: How many people must've died during Clive's rampage on London? Every step he took crushed homes beneath his giant mecha's feet, and he was firing cannons all over the place the entire time, not to mention the huge chunk of the city he destroyed while making a hole for his mecha to rise from beneath the earth. Unless every single one of the homes destroyed happened to be empty at the time, countless lives must've been lost. And stranger yet is that nobody called Clive out on that.
    • Well, he does get arrested at the end.
    • Forget the buildings that were already destroyed, London has a giant sinkhole in it's center. Who knows how big that thing will get and how much of London it will consume.
    • Considering what he wanted to do and his motivation, he is pretty hypocritical, and it's a wonder why Layton didn't point to it and ask him how many more people has he made to be just like him.
    • And at the end, Claire knows she has to go back to get blown up.
    • So, if Subject 1 was the parrot, and Subject 3 was...well, Subject 3, than who was Subject 2? It's not like there are any other random talking animals in this game. Well, there was Beasly, but he's n - oh god OH GOD OH GO-- Oh wait, is that him in the credits?
  • Fridge Brilliance: The statue of the young boy and a man in a top hat was actually Clive's tribute to Layton's kindness.
    • The puzzle in which two friends meet, with one having a fast watch he thinks is slow and the other having the opposite problem, takes on new significance when you consider that the puzzle giver, one of the kidnapped scientists, thinks he's in the future, but is actually in the present.
  • Fridge Logic: I don't know about you, but I'd certainly notice a 30+-story clock shop that suddenly terminates at nothing and think at least something was awry.
    • Also, the game apparently insinuates that if you live in London, you never leave. Otherwise, I'd imagine that fake Future London would be discovered rather quickly.
      • Perhaps not, as I don't think anyone really knew about the clock shop, which was the only way into or out of the city. Unless they drilled their way through the ceiling Clive-style, of course!
        • The point is, though, that it has a lift shaft reaching to the surface... THAT would be rather obvious to anyone down there.
      • But it's still implied that they never leave. If they tried, they'd run into the walls of the subterranean cavern where "Future London" is located. Either they're all in on the Masquerade, which seems unlikely, or they've all somehow been convinced that staying put is the best option. It makes sense for the scientists who believe they've been transported into the future, but less so for the ordinary citizens.
        • Simple. Since the Family is said to control the city, and the Family is run by Dmitri and Clive, it makes sense that they would have people to keep anyone from trying to roam who might accidentally discover the secret.
    • My question in regards to Fridge Logic is how on Earth did they get so many people underground who were either completely oblivious to the real situation or paid them all off well enough to keep any of them from blabbing, and keep from anyone else outside noticing the disappearance of at least a few hundred people.
      • Some people say that they moved into the city from another part of the country, and they don't think anything of being 10 years into the future. And the time it would take to dig out the chamber, not considering replicating all of London, would take alot longer than 10 years. But I guess they could always have something invented that would dig.]
    • Where did Clive get all the material for a skyscraper sized mecha? And how did he build that thing without anyone noticing?
  • Jerkass Woobie: Subject 3 vehemently rejects pity and is not exactly civil to most people, but has suffered a great deal during his past, especially during the experiments.
  • Large Ham: Prime Minister Bill Hawks, but only when he's publicly speaking. The contrast between his normal and orating voices is stark indeed.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Future Luke, or rather, Clive. He not only fools his own accomplice Dmitri, but also two servants who have known him for most of his life
  • Nightmare Fuel: Dimitri's flashback in which he discovers Claire's dead body. All you see is her arm, but it's still unsettling, especially when one remembers this is a game for children.
    • A mentally unbalanced Clive using a mobile fortress to devastate London. It's not made clear if the area was evacuated, and if it wasn't, he may have killed a large number of people, although it's not brought up in-game.
    • Subject 3's backstory. He was a cute little bunny, abandoned and orphaned, before he was captured and sold to scientists and subjected to a number of torturous experiments.
  • Tear Jerker: The ending. First, getting to know why Clive did all this - he lost his parents in a time machine accident. Then, the scene where Claire says goodbye to the professor. Note: Layton actually cries and takes off his hat during this scene. And finally... Luke leaving because his father got a new job, which is even more sad after you've played the 4th game and realize that Layton is also losing one of his best friends - Clark.
    • This exchange, when Luke and Layton are parting ways and Luke begins to cry

Layton: Now Luke, a gentleman does not make a scene in public.
Luke: I'm sorry, professor. I'm not a gentleman yet! *hugs him*

    • Dmitri's flashback to the day Claire died, after he arrived too late. God, he looks so broken during the entire scene.
  • The Woobie: Beasley. And he will NOT be ignored.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Clive, who has a grudge against scientists and politicians because he lost his parents in an accident caused by Dimitri and Bill Hawks' time machine experiment exploding; and is willing to destroy London to teach them a lesson.
    • Dmitri as well.
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