< Professor Layton

Professor Layton/Tear Jerker

  • Sophia's letter to Anton during the ending of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.
    • Same goes for the music that plays during that scene.
      • Don't forget the images that come with the credits. Mix the pictures of Sophia and Anton's love and separation, Mr. Beluga and Anton's reunion, and Katia and Anton returning to Dropstone and being welcomed back with praise with the music above, and you got yourself feeling like happily crying for a good amount of time.
  • Everywhere in the ending Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, but especially during the third-to-last cutscene. "I don't want to say goodbye again! I can't! I won't!" All the more heartrending when you remember Professor Layton usually plays the part of the unflappable, unemotional English gentleman; for that one moment, the mask slips, and you get to see his heart in the process of breaking -- and your own breaks with it.
    • Worse, it's not just that his heart is breaking. It's that he's just rediscovered that the woman he loved was actually alive, just in time to lose her all over again.
      • Let's not forget that he also took off his hat for the first time in-game ever. The emotion in that scene multiplied leaps and bounds.
    • As well as Luke's good-bye with Layton. That in itself is sad, but then Luke starts the waterworks. Layton tells him a gentleman doesn't make a scene in public, but Luke, the boy who has always strived his darnest to be a gentleman shouts, "I'm sorry, but I'm not a gentleman yet!" He then leaps into Layton's arms while in fits of tears. After so much of their camaraderie, to see them say "so long" is heartwrenching.
    • Long story short, the last ten or so minutes of Unwound Future will make you SOB. Klaus/Clive's Motive Rant and saying that he was really hoping for the Professor to save him and that he actually did enjoy their time together. (Although apparently YMMV for some people.) Layton's goodbye with Claire, like the above troper already mentioned. Luke saying goodbye. And if you look closely at that cutscene, you can see that Layton's crying too.
    • Not to mention the small flashback of Layton holding Clive and comforting him while trying to hold him away from the rubble that used to be Clive's home. "I HAVE TO GO BACK! MY PARENTS ARE STILL INSIDE!" Oh god why.
    • In Lost Future/Unwound Future, there's one point where Layton is explaining how he kept trying to investigate Claire's death, but he ends up getting severely beaten. The player is then treated to this image. To see the good Professor like that is very upsetting to say the least.
  • In Specter's Flute/Last Specter: We find out about a giant sea creature named Loosha, a cute giant sea lion who befriended Arianna the so-called witch. It was fighting off the specters tooth and nail all so it could lead Arianna to the Golden Garden to cure her. Unfortunately, all the wounds Loosha took to make sure Arianna could come to the garden caught up with her and she died. Its body then sinks into the depths of the water.
    • Oh, and one more thing: Loosha was the last of her species, and that fact added to the adorable flashbacks of Loosha playing with Arianna and Tony is just heartbreaking. Made even worse was before finding out about the Golden Garden, Loosha was breaking down the dam and Arianna screamed that she hated Loosha and threw a rock at her...and then instantly regretted it when Loosha lets out her final cry.
  • The last episode in Last Specter revolves around Chelmey's past. He was a constable and the head inspector was Gilbert who noted that Chelmey would soon be promoted to investigator. Unfortunately, Chelmey was in too big of a rush to bag the criminal and ended with Gilbert taking a fatal bullet for him. Gilbert's last words were about how Chelmey would be a great investigator. His last requests was for Chelmey to never give up on Scotland Yard and live his life. Chelmey felt so bad and keeps screaming "INSPECTOR!" as the flashback comes to a close.
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