< Product Placement

Product Placement/Quotes

"Now I gotta give a Shout-Out to Seagram's Gin / 'Cause I drink it, and they paying me for it."
Petey Pablo - Freek-A-Leek
It's hard to look Badass when you're posing next to a Volvo.

Carl Weathers: I’m gonna go get a new soda. Hey, did you know that you can get a refill on any drink you want here, and it’s free?
Tobias: It’s a wonderful restaurant! Mmm!

Narrator: It sure is.
Arrested Development, regarding Burger King

Jake: (singing) Speedin' 'till tomorrow

I'm drinkin' 7-up 7-up"
The song "Speedin' 'Till Tomorrow" from The Battery's Down. This is actually a parody because the song is from "Roller Coaster Highway", the Show Within a Show.
Why do I suddenly want french fries?

"Thank the Heavens for those PowerBars. Honestly, without those, you could not [rock] climb at all.
In fact, I'm surprised [my player character] can live at all without PowerBars.

If it weren't for these, she would probably collapse on herself, allowing the universe to collapse along with her."
Lazy Game Reviews, mocking the product placement and the absolute necessity of PowerBars as a game mechanic, Extreme Rock Climbing Review
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