Producing Parker
Producing Parker is a 2009 Canadian animated series about Parker Kovak, a late-20s single woman stressfully working as a producer of the most high-rated daytime Talk Show The Dee Show.
Tropes used in Producing Parker include:
- Black Best Friend: Simon Nolan.
- Butt Monkey
- Citizenship Marriage: In "The Parker Prophecies", Parker agrees to marry her boss so he can stay in the country.
- Compressed Vice: Parker's anorexia in "The Skinny On Parker".
- Darkskinned Blonde: Victoria Lafayette.
- A blonde Latino lesbian in "In Dee Club".
- Deadpan Snarker: Simon.
- Expy: Victoria looks like Queen Latifah.
- She is pretty much Oprah.
- Formerly Fat: Parker.
- Genki Girl: Mimi Chiu in "A Recipe for Dee-saster".
- Going Commando: Both Chicago and Dee have mentioned they sometimes go commando.
- Goofy Print Underwear: In "Man Trap", Simon dances in a pair of space themed underwear.
- Hartman Hips: Parker and Chicago.
- Hair of Gold: Chicago Hyatt.
- Dumb Blonde: Chicago again.
- Hot Pursuit
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: Dee
- Intellectual Animal: Massimo. Though its never stated whether the animals can talk or if only she can understand them.
- "How Green is my Parker" reveals that Massimo can speak to Parker because he can speak to all animals in their language INCLUDING HUMANS.
- Jerkass: Victoria.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Dee
- Kick the Dog: Dee, literally.
- Les Yay: Parker and the blonde Latino lesbian.
- Chicago getting kissed and touched by a group of lesbians!
- Mistaken for Gay: Parker in "In Dee Club". She believes that must be the reason why she doesn't have a steady boyfriend.
- Ms. Fanservice: Chicago.
- My Biological Clock Is Ticking: Parker.
- Naughty Nuns / Nuns Are Funny: In "In Dee Club", Victoria neither confirms nor denies she had sexual relations with a nun at a Catholic school she attended. The nun in question is briefly seen in the news, with her eyes covered by a censor bar to remain anonymous.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Parker's dog Massimo.
- Not So Different: Dee and Victoria are both self-absorbed Jerkasses. Victoria just does a better job at hiding it, which makes her more of a jerkass.
- Oblivious to Love: Parker is crushing on her boss Blake Bellamy who seems to be going out with a skinny French model.
- Panty Shot: Chicago, oh yeah!
- The Poor Mans Substitute: The voice actress of Mimi Chiu seemed to be putting on her best Lauren Tom impression.
- Raised by Wolves: Dee was raised by cougars.
- Reused Character Design: The show's designer is really really keen on reusing character designs - and does so with actually named characters, including the show's antagonist (or #1 talk show host and Nobel Prize recipient really does moonlight as a waitress).
- Ship Tease: Parker and Simon.
- Show Within a Show: The Dee Show.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Parker, oh so much.
- Temporary Bulk Change: In "The Skinny on Parker" Dee becomes morbidly obese and in the end gets liposuction.
- The Un-Reveal: Dee's age.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Victoria.
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