Pramface is a comedy series on BBC 3 that follows the lives of Jamie and Laura, two teenagers from very different walks of life who end up sleeping together at a party. Just weeks later the eighteen year old Laura realises she's pregnant. And then she realises that the father, Jamie, is only sixteen. The series shows Jamie and Laura attempting to cope with their new responsibilities, while dealing with embarrassing parents and their struggles to still be a normal teenager.
The first series of Pramface started in February '12, and only had six episodes. A second series has already been commissioned, and will start filming in late '12.
Jamie Prince - The Adorkable sixteen year old trying to get laid after sitting his GCSE's.Sweet and somewhat naive, Jamie is the Only Sane Man to both his friends and his family.
Laura Derbyshire - An eighteen year old girl just about to go to university, when she ends up pregnant during a one night stand with Jamie at a party. She's mouthy and rebels against her parents due to their troubled relationship.
Mike Fenton - Jamie's best friend, a typical teenager who always seems to be getting into trouble due to his near obsession with getting laid.
Beth Mitchell - Jamie's other friend, a Granola Girl who has a unrequited crush on him. She's obsessed with human rights and really doesn't like Laura.
Danielle Reeves - Laura's best friend, a somewhat ditzy girl who is slowly drifting away from Laura due to her being pregnant.
Sandra Prince - Jamie's mother, a kind, motherly sort who isn't afraid of putting her son and husband in place when they need it. Takes a shine to Laura, and even gives her advice.
Keith Prince - Jamie's father, a man who can never catch a break due to everything that's happening in his life. Funny and good natured, Keith really does do the best he can for his family.
Janet Derbyshire - Laura's uptight mother, who is quite volatile towards her husband. She isn't a good listener, and tends to be quite blunt and controlling.
Alan Derbyshire - Laura's father, who has had affairs in the past, and tends to be a little closer to Laura than she is with her mother. He's good natured, if a little snobby.
- Adorkable: Jamie
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Both Jamie and Laura's parents are incredibly embarrassing.
- Born in An Elevator: Almost, Laura's waters break in an elevator, but she gives birth in a shop's storage area.
- Brainy Brunette: Beth. Laura counts too, we see that she got amazing grades in her A-Levels.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Laura, definitely Laura. She even storms off upstairs and sneaks out of her room to go to the party where she met Jamie.
- British Brevity: The first series only has six half hour long episodes.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Played for laughs, Jamie follows Laura to university, and uses the excuse that she's his sister to try and find out where she is. Unfortunately people get the wrong idea when he later says that he was the one who got her pregnant.
- But We Used a Condom: Jamie and Laura did, it was just on wrong.
- Butt Monkey: Poor Mike. Granted he has a habit of bringing it on himself, but still.
- Camp Gay: The male 'friend of a friend' that Beth tries to set Mike up with.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Mike ends up doing this after being thrown out of a party, only for his mother to walk in on him during the 'climax'. To the Top Gear theme.
- Deadpan Snarker: Beth. Laura also has her moments, as does Laura's mother.
- Delivery Guy: Poor Jamie ends up being this, as he's the only one around when Laura gives birth. Despite initially panicking, he phones his father, who gives him surprisingly good advice about acting like he knows what he's doing, to calm Laura down. Jamie then takes charge, even if he does end up screaming along with Laura.
- Friendship Moment: There's a sweet one between Laura and Danielle after Laura inadvertently ends up making out with the guy Danielle was interested in.
- Granola Girl: Beth has shades of this.
- Hot Mom: Laura counts, of course, but Jamie's mother is also pretty good-looking.
- Instant Birth, Just Add Water: Laura's waters break in the elevator in the carpark, while she and Jamie were trying to find his car. She then gives birth in the storage area behind a shop.
- Jerkass: Beth can come across as this from time to time.
- Lamaze Class: Where poor Jamie ends up being called up to the front for a demonstration. Hilarity Ensues.
- Mistaken for Gay: Mike, thanks to Beth, and the fact he was pretending to be bi-sexual at the time. It leads to a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Mood Whiplash: While a comedy at heart, sometimes funny scenes will quickly change to a more dramatic one.
- Moral Dissonance: When Beth begs Mike to go on a double date with her, she doesn't mention that it's with a guy, despite knowing full well that Mike is straight. She then sits there snidely while Mike tries to make out he's bi-sexual to avoid hurting the guy's feelings (and his chances with said guy's gorgeous female friend), and tells everyone that Mike is more gay than straight. While it's Played for Laughs, we're apparently meant to think that Beth did nothing wrong.
- Obvious Pregnancy: Laura is showing as of the fourth episode, though it's justified due to the time skip.
- Only Sane Man: Jamie seems to be this, though occasionally Laura joins him.
- Right Behind Me: When Laura is ranting to Jamie about being pregnant, she only realises at the last minute that her parents are standing right behind her.
- Screaming Birth: Poor Laura. Then again, Jamie was also screaming along with her.
- The Snark Knight: Beth once again.
- Stalker with a Crush: Played with, Jamie follows Laura to university to try and talk things over, but instead comes across as being a little stalkerish. It only gets worse when somehow the entire university knows that Jamie got Laura pregnant, but they also believe that they are brother and sister.
- Teen Pregnancy: Laura, of course. The title Pramface is slang for someone who looks like she should be pushing a pram around a council estate.
- Tsundere: Beth, though she spends most of her time in the tsun tsun area.
- Laura has her moments.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Beth. We're supposed to feel sorry for her due to her unrequited crush on Jamie, but she's such a Jerkass towards her own friends that you can see why he's not interested.