< Prétear
- Poor Mr. Tanaka is the consumite Butt Monkey, The Chew Toy and was probably Born Unlucky. You can't help but feel for this guy.
- "I'll have a double scoop of powdered green tea kimchee unfermented, soybean yogurt, with lots of chocolate chips!" ...Seriously?! who the HELL would eat somthing like THAT!!!
- The guy's gape at Hayate, shocked that he's smileing.
Go: He's smiling...?
Kei: A great distaster is going to happen tomorrow!
- Anytime Himeno gives Hayate her costum Megaton Punch!
- Anytime spoiled Mayune gets caught in one of her traps meant to humiliate Himeno. And the one time Himeno decided to humor her, and fall for one on purpose!
- Back to Prétear
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