Power Rangers Ninja Storm/Characters
Our Heroes
Shane Clarke / Red Wind Ranger | (Actor: Pua Magasiva)
Not another clone story! Didn't we already do this?
- Blow You Away
- Cool Gun: His hawk blaster.
- Freaky Friday Flip: With the Sensei in "Sensei Switcharoo".
- The Hero
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: He gets the usual Battlizer.
- Power Gives You Wings: The second mode of the Battlizer: a smaller version of his own Hawk Zord forms a jetpack that lets him take out Vexacus' spaceship in a dogfight. He briefly gets energy wings during the finisher to boot.
- The Spock
- Well Done Little Brother Guy
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Tori mentions that he's afraid of spiders. A childhood flashback shows Shane very hesitantly freeing Skyla from a spider web. His worst fear is his family looking down on him, particularly his older brother.
Victoria "Tori" Hanson / Blue Wind Ranger | (Actress: Sally Martin)
What's wrong? Never seen a girl in blue spandex walk on water?
- Action Girl
- Arbitrary Skepticism: The infamous first episode weirdness.
- The Chick
- Improbable Weapon User: A megaphone that shoots sonic blasts.
- The Kirk
- Making a Splash
- One of the Boys: Subverted - she doesn't appreciate being told this in "Beauty and the Beach".
- The Smurfette Principle: She's the only girl on the team for the first time in Power Rangers history.
- Two-Timer Date
- Will They or Won't They?: With Blake.
Waldo "Dustin" Brooks / Yellow Wind Ranger | (Actor: Glenn MacMillan)
Well, I guess no-one's laughing at the comic book geek now, ARE they?
- Ascended Fanboy
- The Big Guy
- Dating Catwoman: With Marah in "All About Beevil".
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Doppelganger Attack: "It's two!" "Two!" "Rangers in one!"
- Drop the Hammer
- Embarrassing First Name
- Freaky Friday Flip: With the Sensei in "Sensei Switcharoo".
- The McCoy
- Meaningful Name
- Surfer Dude: Despite being the self-proclaimed motocross guy; Tori just doesn't have the lingo to match, dude!
Hunter Bradley / Crimson Thunder Ranger | (Actor: Adam Tuominen)
I know my parents are gone, but I still miss them. And those students up on Lothor's ship? Someone misses them, too.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: At first.
- Captain Crash: He really needs to take better care of that glider bike.
- The Lancer
- Cool Gun: His gun shoots bigger blasts than Shane's!
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Since he is a Red-like ranger, he also gets a special powerup: a Glider Cycle.
- Shock and Awe
- Troubled but Cute: About as "troubled" as this year got, anyway. Blake calls him the "dark and brooding" one.
- The Worf Effect: His Glider Cycle got shot down as often as not after its introduction.
Blake Bradley / Navy Thunder Ranger | (Actor: Jorgito Vargas, Jr.)
Yo, Zurgane! What up, dawg?
- Alliterative Name
- Blade on a Stick: Besides the ability to attach his Navy Antler to his Thunder Staff, he also gets a special spear. [1]
- The Generic Guy
- The Heart
- The Quiet One
- Satellite Character: His main character attributes are that he's Hunter's brother and he's hot for Tori.
- Shock and Awe
- Will They or Won't They?: With Tori.
Cameron "Cam" Watanabe /Green Samurai Ranger | (Actor: Jason Chan)
Sensei: You have your mother's courageous heart...and your father's stubborn head.
- Asian and Nerdy
- Badass Bookworm
- Big Red Button: Has one in the center of his keyboard.
- Composite Character: He's basically a male version of Oboro who gets the Shurikenger suit.
- It's even lampshaded in a PRNS/Hurricanger crossover one-shot fanfic.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Different As Night and Day: With Cyber Cam.
- Heir to the Dojo
- Insufferable Genius
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Kid From the Future: Thanks to the Scroll of Time.
- Non-Elemental
- Sixth Ranger: Despite being The Smart Guy since the first episode.
- The Smart Guy
- Stoic Spectacles
- Super Mode: Super Samurai Mode
Their Friends
Sensei Kanoi Watanabe | (Voice actor (just actor at the finale): Grant McFarland)
Those who fail to install cable in time for the science-fiction marathon will feel the wrath of the angry guinea pig.
- Always Wanted to Say That: "Go for Sensei!"
- Cain and Abel: He's the brother of Big Bad Lothor.
- Freaky Friday: With Shane and later Dustin in "Sensei Switcheroo".
- Mentor Mascot
- Serkis Folk
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: he's stuck as a guinea pig for almost the entire season.
- Team Dad
Cyber-Cam | (Actor: Jason Chan)
Don't hate the player! Hate the game!
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: At first.
- Different As Night and Day: With Cam, by design.
- Mission Control: Takes over as this whenever Cam's unavailable.
- Projected Man
Their Enemies
Lothor (previously Kiya Watanabe) | (Actor: Grant McFarland)
The next person who uses a made-up word has to put a dollar in the made-up-word jar!
- Affably Evil
- Beware the Silly Ones: He spends more time sitting on his throne and cracking meta-jokes than actually fighting, but when he does fight he's quite clearly out of the Rangers' league.
- Badass: OH YEAH. Linkara even admits that "I may think Lothor was a terrible villain and good riddance to him, but he was ONE HELL of a fighter".
- Big Bad
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: "This is the most fun I've had all season!"
- And "What did you expect? He wasn't going to get SMALLER!"
- Cain and Abel: He's the twin brother of Mentor Sensei Kanoi Watanabe
- By extension, this makes him Cam's Evil Uncle and Kanoi's Evil Twin.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Large Ham
- Laughably Evil
- Manipulative Bastard: He deserves this title and more for his insane the finsl stage of his Evil Plan alone.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Orcus on His Throne: Justified with his plans.
- You Killed My Father: He killed Blake and Hunter's adopted parents, then convinced them that Sensei was the real murderer.
Marah & Kapri | (Actresses: Katrina Devine and Katrina Browne)
Lothor: "Take your nieces for the summer," they told me. "They won't be any trouble," they said.
- Bratty Teenage Nieces: Only by marriage (hinted at in the premiere and later confirmed in Dino Thunder).
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: They can be amazingly competent, under the right circumstances
- Dark Magical Girl: They lack a Magical Girl to contrast but they have other components such as seeking their uncle's approval and a Heel Face Turn.
- Dating Catwoman: Marah does this with Dustin in "All About Beevil". While she later invokes The Only One Allowed to Defeat You meaning that she wasn't pulling a Heel Face Turn for their sake, she isn't all that happy when everyone congratulates her on such a perfect plot later, which prompts Kapri to tease her.
You like him!
- Later on Marah asks Cam if Dustin's still mad at her for the whole backstabbing thing, at least partially confirming feelings on her end.
- Failure Is the Only Option: The entire season they're belittled by their uncle for not being evil and competent. once they prove to him otherwise, he says he can't trust them and leaves them to die.
- Heel Face Turn: at the end of the series.
- Perky Female Minions
- The Starscreams: Tried to pull this out of Obfuscating Stupidity. As a result, they were left to die in Lothor's self-destructing base in "Storm Before The Calm", but Cam, Hunter and Blake saved their bacons.
- Those Two Bad Girls
Zurgane | (Voice actor: Peter Rowley)
Will there never be a day that is marked for victory? Will I always have to suffer at the hands of the Power Rangers? Tell me, when will it end?
- The Dragon
- Dual-Wielding
- Spell My Name with an "S": Zurgane is a literal translation of his Japanese name, Sargain
- A Villain Named Zrg
- Villainous Breakdown: Quoted above.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Quoted above, he wanted to put an end to his suffering, Vexacus do that "favor" for him
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: His death at the hands of Vexacus
Choobo | (Voice actor: Bruce Hopkins)
Blake: He's not technically an intelligent life-form...
- Dumb Muscle
- Not So Harmless: Unfortunately for him, it doesn't last.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Like Zurgane above, Choobo is a direct translation of Chuzubo.
- Spared by the Adaptation: Chuzubo is the first of the Jakanja to die, and that's even before Shurikenger comes into play. Here, Choobo is merely shrunken after his great plot to turn the Thunder Rangers back against the Wind Rangers fails. He returns to normal a few episodes later, and is demoted back to comic relief.
- Villainous Crush: In the filler "Snip It, Snip It Good", one line suggests he has one for Tori.
Vexacus | (Voice actor: Michael Hurst)
I don't have time to waste with an over-the-hill ninja warlord.
- Bounty Hunter: At first.
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks
- The Starscream: He kills Zurgane and Motodrone only to be taken out by the Rangers before he could go after Lothor himself.
Motodrone | (Voice actor: Craig Parker)
Shimazu: In my day, a general had to earn his rank!
Motodrone: In your day, they fought with wooden sticks and horses.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Perry wanted "the perfect rider"...and got a supervillain. Go figure.
- Badass Biker: "I'll show you what this "heap" can do!"
Shimazu | (Voice actor: Jeremy Birchall)
You have a lot to learn, warrior. You can start with respecting your elders!
- Elite Mooks: Wolfblades
- Taken for Granite: Until the crossfire from a battle brought him back to life.
- ↑ Though if one looks closely, said spear is just another Thunder Staff with a decorative head.