< Power Pack

Power Pack/YMMV

  • Audience-Alienating Premise - How come a serious, non-silly story about kid superheroes that took itself at face value didn't become big? That sentence says it all.
  • Author's Saving Throw - At one point, a change in authorship was forced by Executive Meddling to try to revive the series' popularity by going Darker and Edgier. Body Horror, Nightmare Fuel, and plenty of angst followed. A couple of years later, the original creators did a "holiday special" that wrote the whole thing off as a deception by the kids' enemies, and returned to the original mood.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Franklin Richards, if his coming to visit being almost a selling point in some issues is any indication (issue 48 even blares "Franklin's Back!" across the front cover). He arguably got more development in Power Pack than in his family's comic. He even moved in with the Powers for a while during the tail end of the comic's run.
  • Moment of Awesome - The final battle in Thor and the Warriors Four. Asgard falls before Loki's armies, every asgardian left is aging to their real ages (as in: thousands of years old), and Thor is about to fall to Jortmundgandr. Then, in a final act of desperation, Alex wields MJOLNIR to save the day!
  • So Cool Its Awesome: The Fred Van Lente issues are pretty much invariably these, among kids and adults.
  • Ugly Cute: Again in the new Power Pack series, specifically in Spider-Man and Power Pack #4. Katie is taken over by the Venom symbiote. The result? Venom with pigtails.
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