Powder (film)

Powder is a 1995 film starring Sean Patrick Flanery as Jeremy "Powder" Reed, an albino boy born with supernatural powers. Powder's mother had died during pregnancy and his father had disowned him, so his grandparents cared for him instead, though keeping him in the basement with nothing but books for solace. CPS agents take Powder from his home and to bring Powder into the outside world after his grandfather was discovered dead.
This film was directed by Victor Salva, who was found guilty of molesting a 12-year-old child actor in 1988. Salva's victim would eventually come forward to get others to attempt to boycott the film, a possible reason for its disappointing box office revenues (US$31 million) The controversy and low return is probably why Disney—owner of the film's production company Hollywood Pictures—has never re-hired Salva since.
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence
- Bullying a Dragon: The bullies try to strip Powder naked after they catch him checking out other boys in the shower.
- Dawson Casting: The then 29-year-old Sean Patrick Flanery playing a teenage boy.
- Did Not Get the Girl: Because her father's a raging bigot.
- Heel Realization/My God, What Have I Done?/Villainous BSOD: Officer Harley after Powder makes him feel the pain of the deer he shot. However, while it causes him to never use a gun again, his appearance at the end of the film shows that he's still a Jerkass.
- Heroic Albino
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: One of the overall themes of the film.
- Jeff Goldblum: As quirky physics teacher Donald Ripley.
- Magical Defibrillator: With his powers, he is this.
- Mistaken for Gay: One point of the film has Powder stare at one of the boys at the gym washing himself in a drinking fountain, but envious of the hair on his head and body that he lacks, not that he's sexually attracted to him. The other boys catch him for this, assuming he's gay.
- Teens Are Monsters: John especially, although he's revealed to be like this because his step-father abused him. It's although implied he's possibly redeemed after Jeremy restarts his heart.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth