< Postman Pat

Postman Pat/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced - The Revival kept the original’s animation style and even the beloved theme song. This no doubt made many older fans happy. But... See They Changed It, Now It Sucks below...
  • Ear Worm - The Theme Tune will not leave you.
  • Memetic Mutation - Postman Pat's Banging Day Out, a crude overdub video with gratuitous swearing. Probably one of the earliest forms of YouTube Poop to hit the Internet.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks - Most people who watched the original as children (or even as parents) are horrified by Special Delivery Service. HELICOPTERS?! AND A TRAIN?! AND ETHNIC PEOPLE?! AND WHERE THE HELL ARE GRANNY DRYDEN AND MISS HUBBARD?!
  • Unfortunate Implications: Peter Fogg, George Lancaster (the other farmer) and Miss Hubbard get Chuck Cunningham Syndrome in the new series. The cast does however get a boom in family members and children. All three characters were single and happy living alone.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion - Jess is a tomcat.
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