< Possession Sue

Possession Sue/Playing With

Basic Trope: A canon character is made into a Mary Sue by the author of a Fanfic.

  • Straight: In a fanfic, the author portrays Idiot Hero Fred as an intelligent, swave, Bishonen figure who gets the girl the author prefers without much effort.
  • Exaggerated: In a fanfic, the author portrays Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist Fred as an undisputed badass, developing New Powers as the Plot Demands to fight a Generic Doomsday VillainSue that outclasses everyone else combined, wins over every girl in the series, and bitch-slaps Kamina for the hell of it.
  • Justified: The story is framed as a story written by Fred.
  • Inverted: In a fanfic, the author potrays Fred, normally The Messiah of the series, as a drunken, bumbing oaf in order to let the author's own Original Character shine.
  • Subverted: As Straight, only Fred eventually wakes up, and it turns out to be All Just a Dream.
  • Double Subverted: ...Except that the "real" Fred is just as Sue-ish as the Dream Fred.
  • Parodied: The author's depiction of Fred Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist is so over-the-top that it must be a parody, right?
  • Deconstructed: Idiot Hero Fred gets a massive boost in power, intelligence, and attractiveness by activating his "Omega Crystal", but quickly becomes so dangerously detached from reality that he decides to Take Over the World since only he can do a proper job running it, forcing the rest of the cast (including the Big Bad) to team up and stop him.
  • Reconstructed: The story is a Divergence Fic where Fred (the Muggle that happens to be a Ensemble Darkhorse for the series) dedicates his life to being The Hero's equal. While the path to that goal can be unpleasant at times, it is all handled in a belivable fashion, and by the end of the story even The Hero admits that Fred has surpassed him.
  • Zig Zagged: Fred has ascended to literal godhood... but he still remains a Butt Monkey to the rest of the cast even as he beats Cosmic Horrors to death with his bare hands.
  • Averted: Even though Fred is the author's favorite character (and is the focus of his story), he isn't given any more favor than the rest of the cast.
  • Enforced: The author is so completely insane that she doesn't see any of Fred's flaws, only his good traits (real or imaginary).
  • Lampshaded: "Uh... Fred? You seem kind of... different today."
  • Invoked: In the author's story, Fred has to write about his accomplishments for an essay, and decides to "stretch the truth" a bit. It ends up being a 30-page long story about him fighting ninja velociraptors.
  • Defied: In the story, it turns out that Fred is smarter and more powerful then the rest of the cast combined, but keeps the full extent his powers a secret because he feels uncomfortable about winning so easily.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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