< Poker Night At the Inventory

Poker Night At the Inventory/Heartwarming

"It is not always easy being courageous without giant weapon, but you must try."
  • Heavy tells a tale about how he dug a grave for a sparrow during his stay in an assassin's camp as a child. Tycho is reduced to tears.

Strong Bad: Alright big pretend killer man. Tell me the most awesome story you have with plenty of super cool senseless violence!
Heavy: When I was boy, I was at camp, being trained in many ways of combat.
Max: Assassination camp for kids, oh this is gonna be good!
Heavy: There was sparrow, sitting on fence. Snow falls quietly around me. Without notice, another boy jumps from behind tree and kills sparrow with throwing knife! The boy runs away.
Max: And then...?
Heavy: I pick up sparrow and hear his last breath before digging him tiny grave...
Tycho: *Crying.*
Strong Bad: That's not even a little bit funny, man.
Heavy: No, it's not...

  • Strong Bad and Heavy's conversation about the nightmares Heavy gets. A little Narmy, yes, but the look on Heavy's face makes it kind of tragic.

Heavy: Tiny Heavy
Strong Bad: (Looking annoyed) What is it
Heavy: Do you get the nightmares?
Strong Bad: I get the Jibblie Nightmares. There's this one where Homestar is a giant cheese blintz and Marzipan holds me at gunpoint and makes me eat him and (Stammers) Jibbliejibblie
Heavy: I am talking about visions of endless suffering. Dead doctors everywhere. Spy cannot be found.
Strong Bad: No, but that sounds like the Jibblies, man
Heavy: I do not like this 'Jibblies'

  • Max offers to protect the Heavy from ghosts, in case the Inventory is haunted. The Heavy's sincerely grateful responce says it all.

Strong Bad: I wonder if this dump is haunted.
Max: Oooh I hope so. There's something about being able to terrorize a spectral being without it up and dying on you that I just love.
Heavy: (scared) I do not like ghost.
Max: It's okay Mr. Weapons. I've got extensive experience with zombies and vampires. I can handle a little ghost.
Heavy: (scared) You will take care of ghost for me?
Max: You bet ya!
Heavy: ... (relieved) I like you Tiny Rabbit!

    • Maybe this troper is a bit paranoid, but he cringed at how the Heavy said that last part. It sounded, well...Ho-Yay-ish.
    • Fridge Brilliance: Given the TF2 Halloween events, the Heavy has actually encountered ghosts.
    • Noted in a fanfic when the dude says, "That's going in the Crowning Moment of Heartwarming page, kids." This troper had TV Tropes in a tab. Irony indeed.
      • You mean this one? It's called A Strange Saturday, and so far it's the only Poker Night At the Inventory fanfic out there without Tycho/Strong Bad Foe Yay. Good thing, too, in this Troper's opinion.
        • This troper is the author. And yes, I got the idea from this page. Hehehe.
  • Heavy naming his poker chips after Soldier, Medic, and Demoman, because "they fight like good friends." D'aww.
    • A friendship has been detected!
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