Pokémon Tabletop Adventures

Describe Pokémon Tabletop Adventures here.

Well, it's a Pokemon tabletop game where you go on adventures. I think it's pretty self-explanatory.

Seriously though, PTA is a fan-made Pokemon-themed Tabletop RPG currently under development. In it, players take the role of Pokemon Trainers battling for gym badges, doing contests, thwarting criminal organizations... that sort of thing.

It can be downloaded here, though be sure that you pick the latest release (in the News section). Has its own wiki, where updates are posted quite often. It's a little rough around the edges, but that's excusable due to still being in development.

See also Pokethulhu, which is... um... kinda different.

Tropes used in Pokémon Tabletop Adventures include:
  • Splat: Boy howdy... where do I even begin? There are 6 Base Classes, each of which has multiple Advanced Classes
    • Ace Trainer: They want to be the very best, like no one ever was! Focuses on Strength and Constitution, and tends to be a Determinator no matter what Advanced Class you pick. The Ace Trainer's well, ace is that their pokemon automatically receive more experience than others, and deal a few more points of damage.
    • Breeder: Good at breeding Pokemon, focusing on Wisdom and Charisma. Might sound kind of lame, but remember this is a Role-Playing Game, not a "Kill Everything" game. Can become a Support Party Member in time through Advanced Classes, and their pokemon are usually born quite strong due to the Natural Edge ability.
    • Capture Specialist: Really, really good at capturing Pokemon, whether it be through a making your own pokeballs, having a poke-ball shooting arm cannon, or just being incredibly single-minded. Tends to be The Smart Guy. Focuses on Dexterity and Intelligence.
    • Coordinator: Specializes in winning Contests instead of battles, focusing on Charisma and Constitution. Which isn't to say they're worthless in battle, as they can grant their pokemon some pretty badass capabilities.
    • Martial Artist: A Badass Normal (or Badass Abnormal should you take the Aura User Advanced Class) that focuses on Strength and Dexterity. Most of the advance classes allow the trainer to fight alongside their pokemon, either with a Weapon of Choice, or just good old fisticuffs. Can sometimes use pokemon moves, but only a certain number of times per day.
    • Mystic: Either through eldrich rituals or having a true understanding of nature, Mystics can channel Pokemon, and "Borrow" their powers. The class focuses on Strength and Wisdom, and Advanced classes also let the Mystic mimic Humans, control the true power of the Unown, or go all A God Am I.
    • Psychic: self -explanitory. Focusing on Intelligence and Constitution, psychics can fight alongside their Pokemon, and can use pokemon moves like the Martial Artist, but can use them at will for a small HP cost.
    • Ranger: Like in the Pokémon Ranger games, Rangers can use Stylers instead of Pokeballs to temporarily (or permanently) befriend Pokemon. Focusing on Dexterity and Charisma, a ranger can either be a law enforcement official, or harness the power of their allied pokemon (or even the power of Legendaries.
    • Researcher: If the party's Capture Specialist isn't The Smart Guy, then the researcher definitely is. Focusing on Intelligence and Wisdom, researchers fight by knowing more than the opponent, ranging from giving empowering advice to calling in favors from Legendary Pokemon.
  • What the Hell, Player?: The attacks "Explosion" and "Selfdestruct" have this built into them as a mechanic: their use makes a Pokémon dislike its trainer significantly if they don't already.
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