< Pokémon Stadium

Pokémon Stadium/YMMV

  • Nightmare Fuel: The one-hit KO animations, especially when they connect.
    • Jynx's fainting animation, in which it cries, suddenly freezes and its entire body disappears; that is except its hair, which simply drops on the ground. Brr.
    • When Arceus or Giratina use Shadow Force. Especially Giratina.
    • Jigglypuff's fainting animation. She deflates.
    • Kangaskhan looks like she's choking when she faints.
  • Anticlimax Boss - Mewtwo in Pokémon Stadium, 1 of him against your 6 (and said 6 can include 1 of him)? Pitifully easy compared to the cheaters you have to beat to reach him.
  • It's Short, So It Sucks - A common complaint about Battle Revolution is that beyond its Battle Frontier-like area, there is pretty much nothing else to do the way there is in the Stadium and Colosseum games.
  • Narm Charm: The announcer is either the shining example of this, or he's The Scrappy.
  • Sidetracked by the Gold Saucer - Minigames in the Stadium games. Pity Revolution didn't have any...
  • Tear Jerker - In Battle Revolution, poisoning will cause him to say "___ is losing its health!" Mind that he says the last three words in a very dramatic way, as if he's about to break into tears.
  • Vindicated By History: The series was already regarded well (save Battle Revolution for being too barebones), but the expressive animations for all Pokemon present in them, whether Com Mons or Olympus Mons, even for improbable-to-impossible scenarios like certain Pokemon using Mega Kick or using moves they wouldn't be able to in normal play, have been looked upon even more favorably compared to the rather minimalist effects of the mainline games from Gen 6 onwards, and especially during the Dexit Crisis where huge swathes of the National Dex had been removes ostensibly to improve quality for the remaining Pokemon only for there to be no perceptible improvement, whereas the animations from these games were able to be transferred wholesale from the N64 to the Gamecube (through Pokémon Colosseum) to the Wii without much hassle.
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