< Pokémon Ranger

Pokémon Ranger/Funny

  • Brook trying to pursue Team Dim Sun's boat:

Brook: Super Brook Jump! (Jumps into the water)
Luana: ... He jumped in with his sandals clenched between his teeth...

    • Brook also has another one, when he tries to save Isaac's sister from a circle of hypnotized Pokemon by Super Brook Jumping into the circle, getting himself stuck as well.
  • The fact that Kincaid owns a book called "How to Prevent Running in the Hallways".
  • "Hatagnits".
    • Also in that journal, Hasting signs off at one point as "Hatsting". When Erma pointed this out, he joked about it being her boyfriend.
  • In the same game, we also have part of the downloadable Darkrai mission. Two Dim Sun goons set up a trap that causes you to become locked in a room, with seemingly no way out. After you escape with Darkrai's help, you can go back to outside the room to see an optional scene. The two grunts have started to notice the lack of noise coming from the room. Needless to say, they unlock the door and step in to investigate, and needless to say, the door closes behind them and locks.
  • The epic, difficult, late-game battle against a single Bidoof, which requires an amazing one loop to be captured and can deal out almost 0 damage when it attacks, which it does with a frequency of about ten or so seconds! Best boss ever!
  • "Hey, look! A flying pizza!"
    • "Really?! Does it have onions?"
  • A little before the Feraligatr battle:

Blue Eyes: So, in other words you've been a doormat for the Rangers, and you fled here, right?
Female Pincher: W-we weren't running as much as rushing here to report to you...
Male Pincher: Yeah, um, exactly! That's exactly what it was. There's no way we would do anything silly like run away.
The player and partner rush in
Partner: Wasn't what you just said, "So we have to use our final tactic! Which is... RUN!" Am I wrong?
Female Pincher: Th-that's not it! You heard me wrong. I didn't say run, I said, ummm... Ron! That's what I said!
Male Pincher: That's right, Leader! The truth is, my name's Ron! Sometimes people call me Ronny... or at other times, well, Ronaldo. Ummm, and... I'm... I'm so sorry!
The Pinchers run off in shame

  • Okay, ex-bad guy out!
  • Nick in Guardian Signs. His pessimistic daydreams are so over-the-top they're funny.
    • "Huge Pichu" anyone? Not many know this, but it's actually a Shout-Out to Dragon Quest and its King Slime.
  • The original name for the Capture Styler was "The Capture Loopy-Looper"
  • Murph's attempt at opening a locked door, Barlow style.
  • The Z.Z. Sisters in a nutshell:

Member 1: *starts a sentence then stalls*
Member 2: Spit it out already! *some weird abbreviation of what Member 1 was trying to say*
Member 3: Stop abbreviating so much! *finishes for both of them*

  • The first two questions your friend asks you in the Sky Temple seem normal enough, then...

Is Murph slim and handsome? Answer: No

  • In the third game, twice, the Voice Nav. says "(...) is a major warranty violation!" Take into account the inevitable Lampshading("Warranty? You're not a household appliance!") and implied Instant AI, Just Add Water and it isn't hard to imagine the Voice Nav. sounding frightened as it says this.
  • Following the above We Need a Distraction, chasing after the Pinchers gives us this scene when we catch up to them resting:

Rand: What's the matter? Are you feeling all right?
Pincher: Well, actually, there were these terrible people, and we barely escaped unharmed.
Rand: That must have been really terrible. What were they like?
Pincher: One was a muscular, older Ranger. The other one was a fairly young Ranger.
Ukulele Pichu: Pichu?
Pincher: Yeah, yeah. That's right, they had a Pichu with them too....!
The Pinchers finally turn around and see that they had been talking to the very people they were running from
Other Pincher: I-it's you! Oh, real funny!

    • Similarly, right before you rescue the Staraptor, you see a Pincher talking to himself while locking the cage in the warehouse. Rand comments that "saying things out loud while you do them is a good way to work". The Pincher agrees, then turns around and panics upon seeing that he was talking to a ranger.
  • Murph's attempt at introducing himself to Edward
  • One optional request gives us this gem after you return a "report" to an archeologist

Archeologist: It's really a report! A report about my secret love!

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