Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance/Characters


The main character of Silver Resistance. Shortly before the story began and for reasons not yet explained, Char was transformed into a Charmander and dumped into Ambera. Shortly after arriving, he was found by Saura, and shortly afterward both of them were discovered by an enigmatic Scyther called Scythe, who took them into the Gold Division, one of three bases of operations for the Resistance against the Master. Shortly after, Char discovered he had a powerful ability called the Call, which allows him to mind-control other Pokémon and even contact legendary Pokémon... but the power is difficult to control and arises more often on its own than it does when he needs it to. Char is a strong believer in friendship and is particularly loyal to his close friends, and will defend them to the bitter end.


A kind-hearted Bulbasaur with a loving family, Saura had it easy until the Master came to draft him into his personal army and make him his servant. Terrified, Saura fled, stumbling upon Char and eventually joining the Resistance. While Saura is a firm believer in The Power of Friendship, he can be a bit hasty to blame himself for things that happen, even when they're merely imagined. His one true wish is to reunite with his family again.

  • Apologizes a Lot: Even for things he doesn't need to apologize for.
  • Bad Dreams: Becomes a recurring problem later on, of the "traumatic experience flashback" type.
  • Green Thumb: To be expected from a Bulbasaur.
  • Heroic BSOD: Saura gets this after being attacked and touched by the Watchers.
  • It's All My Fault: Saura is fairly quick to take the blame for things.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Subverted. Saura acts like he had his memory taken away due to guilt, but he in fact opted out of it.
  • Not So Weak: Saura will gladly fight for his friends, but will avoid confrontation or trouble otherwise.
  • Stepford Smiler: Saura temporarily played Type A straight.
  • The Power of Friendship: Even more so than Char. Saura, at some points, is even afraid he made his friends angry when that case is not true.
  • Tragic Dream: Saura desperately wants to see his family again. As things stand now, he can't.


An all-around cheerful Raichu, Ray joined the resistance movement due to his admiration for his late brother Rautzen, a member of the movement himself. Once there, Ray ascended through the ranks and eventually joined Team Ember, fulfilling his wish of training under Team Remorse and Scythe. Though he's cheerful almost all of the time and is the first to crack a joke, he often feels a bit down deep inside.

  • The Big Guy: He is the only member of Team Ember that is evolved.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Ray is both the biggest member of Team Ember and, arguably, is the most humorous.
  • Broken Pedestal: Ray looks up to his dead brother, but the reason he's dead is because he turned traitor to the resistance movement and Scythe ordered him to be killed.
  • Characterization Marches On: Ray started out as somewhat of The Everyman, but as the story progressed turned more into a Boisterous Bruiser with small traces of...
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Ray believes he's useless, even though he's probably one of the more combat-capable members of Team Ember.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: His full name is Raikouun, but he hasn't told that to anybody.
  • The Team Normal: Ray, unlike Char and Saura, does not have The Call.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Ray provides most of these moments throughout the story.
  • Shock and Awe: Ray is a Raichu, so it makes sense.
  • Stepford Smiler: Very mild example of Type A. He's fun to be around, but under his optimistic façade he's got something of an inferiority complex.


A Scyther, leader of one of the most renowned Teams in the resistance, and an important protector to Char and the rest of Team Ember, Scythe is both enigmatic and powerful. He once served under The Master, but regretted it and fled to the resistance movement, where he quickly ascended through the ranks. He instructs the heroes in the use of Xanatos Gambit but is also extremely competent at fighting as well. Just don't ask him if he's holding any secrets.

The Master

The Evil Overlord of Ambera and wreathed in mystery and shadow, The Master is never even seen, much less heard from. Who is he? What does he want from Ambera? And more importantly, how can he be unmasked and stopped?

  • Epileptic Trees: Due to being one of the most mysterious characters in the fanfic, loads of them have sprung up regarding him.
  • Evil Overlord: Well, he is called "The Master."
  • The Faceless: Extreme example: The Master is never even seen, much less his face.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: The Master, even in flashbacks regarding him, has never been sighted.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: The Master is referred to nothing else than his title, ever.
  • The Ghost
  • Villainy Discretion Shot: This is bound to happen if he's never seen doing bad things or otherwise. Everyone knows about his horrible actions, but nobody ever sees him doing them... not even his most trusted followers.

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