Pokémon Golden Boys

"There are trainers who work hard everyday for Pokémon championships. These talented boys and girls... They are known as.. The Golden Boys!"

A three volume manga based on Pokémon Gold and Silver, eventually including Pokémon Crystal elements.

Its full name is Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys, written and drawn by Muneo Saito. It follows the basic story of the games quite well, with quite a few twists added in. Rare for a Pokémon adaptation, it shows characters eating meat and shows cars quite explicitly.

Gold, a determined young boy, is asked by the well-known Professor Elm to Mr. Pokémon in Cherrygrove City. With his new Pokémon, a Totodile, he invokes on a mission to meet this man and fulfill his mission. He encounters the mysterious Black, who becomes his rival. Unable to find Mr. Pokémon he goes on a journey to find him, fighting gym leaders on the side.

Not to be confused with a Pokémon adaptation of Golden Boy.

Tropes used in Pokémon Golden Boys include:
  • Adaptation Distillation
  • Adaptation Dye Job: Hair color and eye variations. Almost everyone has Brown Eyes, even Pokémon, regardless of their original colors. Kris's hair has been changed from blue to an almost green hue of teal.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Bugsy. He acts abnormally nice toward Gold, and not toward anyone else. He's always blushing near him, and making flirty remarks, toward him too. His movement is also quite flamboyant.
  • Ascended Extra: Gym leaders, the rocket executive, and Joey.
  • Author Appeal: Basketball appears quite a few times.
  • Badass Grandpa: Kurt.
  • Blush Sticker: Variation. Almost everyone has markings on their cheeks. May just be long lasting blushes, since they disappear on occasion for a panel or so at a time.
  • Canon Foreigner: Technically speaking. The unnamed male Rocket Executive was made into a character named "Grey".
  • Evil Laugh: Black is prone to these, often accompanied by flamboyant looking poses.
  • Evil Redhead: Black.
  • Expy: A Rocket Grunt that appeared looked a lot like Waluigi.
  • Gratuitous English: "OKAY!" is commonly stated by both Gold and Chris.
  • Jerkass: Black, possibly more then any other Silver counterpart. He gets a "My God, What Have I Done?" in the end, but it's in a "I have made a fool of myself" context.
  • Name's the Same: Gold and Crystal have the same names as their Pokémon Special counterparts, for obvious reasons. Oddly Silver does not go by any name from the games.
  • Meaningful Name: This has to be the reason for Silver being named "Black". Most likely referring to his clothing and his behavior (a "black" heart)
  • No Export for You: Only released in Japan and Singapore.
  • Face Fault: Everyone, all the time.
  • Obstructive Vigilantism: A part at the beginning of the game - where the player is asked to give the name of their rival by reporting it to the police (in the original he tells you his name for no reason, in the DS remakes the Player Character gets a look at his trainer card) - is portrayed as Gold misleading the police so he can take him down himself.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Gold and Black.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Black's starter, Chikorita, is a feminine looking grass type. He quickly abandons it for being his standard of weak though. Gold obtains it
  • The Rival: Black to Gold.
  • Tomboy : Chris is both an explorer and a trainer. Unlike most Kris counterparts and Fanon interpretations, she owns a Cyndaquil rather then the more commonly used Chikorita.
  • Tomboyish Name: Crystal's nickname, Chris.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Pokémon Basketball.
  • Word Salad Title: Variation. It makes sense considering the protagonist is named "Gold" and it's based off a game series where one of the games is "Gold", but it still is random and makes no sense in it's apparent context.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Quite a few people.
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