Pokémon Channel

Pokémon Channel is a spinoff of the rather popular Pokémon video game series. It's the Spiritual Successor of Hey You, Pikachu!, and with its own Spiritual Successor in Poke Park Wii, it would appear the 'cute Pikachu' games - Pokémon spinoffs geared for younger players in which the main draw is Pikachu running around acting all cute - is officially a subseries.

It is a simulation/virtual pet game that is about watching TV with a wild Pikachu and unlocking new channels every real day you watch. You can also go outside the house and have the Pikachu talk with other wild Pokémon to get collectible cards.

And that is pretty much it.

It was and still is wildly criticized for lacking gameplay and just being a blatant cash-in on Pokémon's popularity. In Europe, it was the only way to get a Jirachi, since you got one each time you beat the game. On the other hand, it is painfully cute, and approached on its own merits can be a mindlessly enjoyable endeavor. It also debuted the Pichu Bros. short "The Pichu Brothers in Party Panic", and if you ever wondered where the game Meowth's Party from the Spaceworld tech demo that unveiled the Gamecube went, it's here.

Tropes used in Pokémon Channel include:

Pikachu wants to eat the Charmander Doll.
The Charmander Doll wasn't very tasty!

  • Fishing Minigame: ...and then the fish Pokémon ask you trivia questions about themselves.
  • Guide Dang It: You get the Pokémon cards by answering Pokémon trivia. The game can fall into this if you haven't kept up with the main games' flavour text.
  • Loyal Animal Companion
  • Mythology Gag: Once you unlock the full Pichu Bros. short and watch it on a projector, the game's main story ends on the "End of Day" jingle from Hey You, Pikachu!.
  • Regional Bonus: Only Europeans could unlock Jirachi by beating the main story. He still visits Pikachu and the player in the other versions, but it's only a cameo.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Pikachu, of course!
  • Sweet Dreams Fuel: Oh my, yes.

The game also features several channels for the player and Pikachu to enjoy together.

"The Pichu Bros. in Party Panic!" provides examples of:

Pokémon News Flash provides examples of:

Shopping With Squirtle provides examples of:

Smoochum Shape Up provides examples of:

Quiz Wobbuffet provides examples of:

Smergle's Art Study provides examples of:

Slowpoke's Weather Report provides examples of:

The Fortune Channel provides examples of:

The Eggzamination Channel provides examples of:

Mareep Farm provides examples of:

Odd One Out provides examples of:

Chum Chum Ranking provides examples of:

  • Guilt Based Gaming: The show's final segment only exists to make the player feel guilty for not playing the game enough.
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