Pocket Monsters RéBURST
Pocket Monsters RéBURST is a manga series adapting the Pokémon franchise, focusing on the Mons of Pokémon Black and White and published in Weekly Shonen Sunday. It's probably the biggest departure from the basic Pokémon concept in the franchise's history. Note that that isn't a bad thing in the slightest.
The main protagonist is Ryouga, a boy with superhuman strength. Joining Ryouga is Miruto, a girl who works for an organization that tracks down people who use Pokémon for evil, Yappy, a journalist who resembles a Pansage, Karuta, a Ninja, and Rug, a thief. The plot centers around "Burst", the ability to use special gems called Burst Hearts that contain Pokémon stored inside of them to transform into human-Pokémon hybrids. Ryouga's Burst is Zekrom, Karuta's is an Accelgor, and Rug has a Purrloin.
On rare occasions they actually use Pokémon in the traditional way.
More information is available at Dogasu's Backpack.
- Bishonen[context?]
- BFS: Not a sword, per se; its actually an Akebo. Still freakin' big, however. And it can be set on fire!
- Bullet Time: A power Human!Ryouga has.
- Darker and Edgier: Is stated to be this, in comparison to all the other manga. It's... Edgier all right.
- Disappeared Dad: Ryouga aims to find his missing father, Garyuu.
- Dynamic Entry: By Ryouga in the first chapter.
- Elemental Powers: An ability given to those who can use Burst.
- Shock and Awe: Ryouga when combined with his Zekrom.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Hilgreitz when combined with his Excadrill and Rend when combined with his Boldore.
- Casting a Shadow: Hariru when combined with his Zorua.
- Playing with Fire: Carola when combined with her Emboar.
- Faux Action Girl: Miruto[context?]
- Hearing Voices: Ryouga, from someone named Arcades.
- Hot-Blooded: Ryouga is a great example. Even mentioning the word "Impossible" makes him want to do it.
- Master of Illusion: Hariru.[context?]
- Mon Machine: Burst Hearts, from Pokémon ReBurst, are crystals that contain a Pokémon that can fuse with a human through a technique called Burst. The Burst technique allows the user to gain the same powers and immunities of the creature within the jewel. Much like a Poké Ball, they can store a pocket monster but are not made for release later.
- Ninja: Karuta.[context?]
- Out of Focus: The titular Pokemon.
- Panty Shot: In the first chapter, Miruto avoids this by having her leg block it.
- Done straight in chapter 10 where we clearly see her or, at least someone transformed into her underwear.
- Prophetic Names: The Village of Protecting Time, anyone?
- Shonen[context?]
- This Is a Drill: Major Hilgreitz can make drills on his hands in Burst Mode.
- Tournament Arc: Burst Heart Survival.[context?]
- Transformation Sequence: Ryouga into his Burst form.
- Transformation Trinket: The Burst Hearts.[context?]
- X Meets Y: It's Digimon Frontier and Dragon Ball WITH POKÉMON!