< Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf/Characters
Xi Yang Yang/ Pleasant Goat/ Happy Goat/ Weslie
- Badass Adorable
- Cute Bruiser
- Disney Death
- Designated Hero: There are quite a few episodes where he's the one at fault
- The Hero
- The Leader
- The Messiah: In the third movie, the rabbits from the moon expect him to be the propheted savior of the moon
- Parental Abandonment: In the third movie, it's shown that his parents abandoned him to go conduct research in space.
- Kid Hero: Implied to be either primary or middle school age.
- Super Speed
- Foe Yay: With Wolffy
- Genius Bruiser: One of the top in his class and is canonly one of the smartest goats.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In the first movie, but he's A-okay.
- Ho Yay: With his goat friends
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships: He has been paired with almost everyone in the main cast.
- Ship Tease: With Tibby, ... and almost everyone else, leading to the above trope.
- Jerkass: He does some pretty unbenelovent things sometimes.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Tibby certainly thinks so.
- Funny Animal
- Lost in Translation: Weslie does not correspond to the adjective "happy"
- BestFriends
- Dub Name Change
- Attractive Bent Gender: Can pass for Wolnie, and one of the only male characters to crossdress and not result in Narm.
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Shipper on Deck: Subverted. He's this for Wolffy/ Pink Fox, for the sole purpose of ticking Wolnie off.
- Not So Above It All: He's a good little goat, but he's not above cheating on a project, framing Patty for eating mushrooms, playing pranks on his classmates, etc.
- The Ace: He rarely does anything terribly wrong, always saves the day, and is popular.
- Talking to Himself: Has the same VA as Night Wolf
- Foil: If the opposite persona episode is accurate, to Wolffy
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Wolffy's red.
- Large Ham
Lan Yang Yang/ Lazy Goat/ Lance/ Paddi/ Fattie
- Brilliant but Lazy
- The Lancer: Sometimes, if need be. If really need be.
- Hard Work Hardly Works: Always manages to elude the wolves via getting rescued in the nick of time or some other thing. And all he does is sleep and eat all day. He even lampshades this by saying his superpower is "being saved."
- When he actually does work hard, the results are not so good...
- Kid Hero
- Funny Animal
- Spell My Name with an "S": Just look at all the names he has.
- Lost in Translation: How do Paddi, Fattie, and Lance correspond to the mandarin adjective "lazy"?
- Breakout Character
- Ensemble Darkhorse: His popularity was unexpected
- Day in The Limelight: He gets a lot of these
- Foe Yay: With Wolffy
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sparky. And as of the latest season, seems to becoming this with [[spoiler: Wilie]
- Those Two Guys: Again, with Sparky
- Ho Yay: With Sparky and Weslie
- Butt Monkey
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: His name
- Sixth Ranger
- Freudian Excuse: He's so lazy because his parents were lazy. They refused to play or eat with him, in favor of sleeping and ignoring their son. Seeing his parents love to sleep so much made him try sleeping. And the rest is history.
- BestFriends
- Berserk Button: Never threaten his food. Or Wilie.
- Odd Couple: With Sparky
- Yaoi Guys: Was this with Sparky for one episode
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
- Dude in Distress: The first goat caught 90% of the time.
- Dub Name Change
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Wholesome Crossdresser: A couple times.
- Talking to Himself: His Chinese VA voices Wilie.
- Large Ham
Fei Yang Yang/ Force Goat/ Fit Goat/ Sparky
- The Lancer
- Ambiguously Brown
- Jerk Jock: Especially around Paddi
- Foe Yay: With Wolffy
- Ho Yay: With Weslie and especially Paddi
- Those Two Guys: With Paddi
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Paddi
- Jerkass: Acts like this toward Paddi most of the time
- All Love Is Unrequited: On Tibby
- Always Save the Girl: Attempted, at least. Tibby is always priority number one.
- Why did it have to be cockroaches?: Cockroaches make him faint from fright
- Berserk Button: Triggers whenever someone attempts to hurt Tibby
- Ship Tease: With Tibby, Weslie, and Paddi
- BestFriends
- Odd Couple: With Paddi
- Yaoi Guys: Becomes this with Paddi for one memorable episode
- The Big Guy
- Lost in Translation: Subverted at last. The only goat whose English name semi-matches his Chinese.
- Dub Name Change
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In Chinese.
- Large Ham
Mei Yang Yang/ Pretty Goat/ Tibby
- The Chick
- Friend to All Living Things
- Damsel in Distress: More often than not
- Mary Sue
- So Beautiful It's a Curse
- Les Yay: With Jody and in the movies, Wolnie.
- Foe Yay: With Wolnie and Wolffy
- Kid Hero
- Smurfette Principle
- Lost in Translation: Tibby and "pretty" are not synonyms
- Fan-Preferred Couple: With Weslie
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: She is a pretty goat
- Beauty Equals Goodness
- Saved The Villain: Has a penchant for this
- Dub Name Change
Mahn Yang Yang/ Slow Goat/ Mr. Slowy
- Adorkable
- Only One Name: In the English dub
- Cool Old Guy
- Berserk Button: Manages to curb stomp the wolves when he finds out they've concealed a letter from his old lover
- Also when the goats really piss him off with some form of disobediance/disrespect
- Badass Grandpa: See above
- Badass: When he was young
- The Smart Guy: Always has inventions ready for the goats Once Per Episode
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": In the English dub, his name is just Mr. Slowy
- Friend to All Living Things
- Foe Yay: With Wolffy. Implied to have had this with Hei Tai Lung/Black Wolf, as well.
- Ho Yay: With Old Knife Goat
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He is a slow goat that rides a (surprisingly fast) snail
- Fan Disservice: There are several "odd" paintings of him in the background
- Dude in Distress: Often
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Team Dad
- Techno Wizard: He even makes a computer that cooks.
- Insufferable Genius
- Mr. Exposition
- Nerd Glasses
- Expy: Of Einstein
- TV Genius
- Butt Monkey: Though to a lesser extent than Paddi.
- Large Ham
Luan Yang Yang/ Soft (or Warm) Goat/ Jody
- Sixth Ranger
- The Big Guy: She has mountain goat genes, making her the strongest goat in the whole village
- Gentle Giant
- Genius Bruiser: She's the class president
- Les Yay: With Tibby
- Lost in Translation: Jody = Soft?!
- Saved The Villain: The biggest offender on the show
- Dub Name Change
- You Just Had to Say It: Seriously, everything (bad) she predicts comes true. "What if Mr. Slowy trips?" "I guess we'll only find out if Wolffy shows up." She's not called the crow mouth for nothing.
Lau Dao Yang/ Old Knife Goat
- Cut and Paste Translation: His English name is the exact translation of his Chinese one
- Ronin
- Berserk Button: If the flower on his head is removed
- Badass Grandpa: When the above happens
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He is an old goat that carries a knife (technically sword)
- Cool Old Guy
Fei Ji Zai/ Chopper/ Airplane
- Innocent Bystander: Frequently appears in the background.
- Speech Impediment: Stammers a lot.
- Day in The Limelight: Once, in the episode where the goats were painting the village wall.
- The Woobie
- And Zoidberg
- Nice Hat
Luan Mie Mie/ Soft Goat
- Famous Ancestor: The father of goat village
- Arch Nemesis: Of Martial Wolf
- Foe Yay: With Martial Wolf
- Cool Old Guy
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Apparently still alive in Mr. Slowy's snail
- Promotion to Parent: In The Movie becomes the official father of the bacteria brothers, and technically he's the father of all the goats
Hui Tai Lung/ Grey Wolf/ Wolffy
- Henpecked Husband
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Unfortunately for him
- Domestic Abuse: Ends up on the receiving end of this
- Badass
- Big Badass Wolf: Played with. Contrary to the show's title, he isn't very big. He's actually even shorter than Sparky.
- Memetic Badass: Thanks to the blog acitivity which calculated all the crap he took
- Mr. Fanservice: Eventually became this conceptually. In China, he has become the new model for Mr. Right.
- Official Couple: With Wolnie
- Happily Married: Believe it or not, he won't have it any other way.
Wolffy: You probably feel sorry for me, getting beat up all the time by my wife, but I think she's the best wife in the whole world
- Genius Bruiser
- Foe Yay: With Weslie (and every other goat) and Night Wolf
- Ho Yay: Again with Night Wolf, Banana Wolf, and the rest of his pack
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Woobie: Many think of him as this. Doesn't help that one of the first shots of him as a cub in the latest season is of him on the ground, being tormented by larger bullies
- Green-Eyed Monster: In the episode where Wolnie loses her memory and ends up flirting with every male wolf in sight and the episode where Wolnie's first love, Xio Bai Lung/ White Wolf shows up; whenever that guy is mentioned, in fact.
- When White Wolf is involved, Crazy Jealous Guy comes into play
- Determinator: Oh yes
- The Chew Toy
- Butt Monkey: So much that his fans consider him the Woobie
- Iron Butt Monkey: while we're on the subject
- Iron Woobie: this too, possibly
- Idiot Ball: Gets this frequently when the goats thwart his plans.
- Designated Villain
- Ship Tease: With Weslie, Paddi, Sparky, Mr. Slowy, Night Wolf, and Fen Hong HuLi/Pink Fox.
- Villain Protagonist: He can easily be seen as the main character instead of Weslie.
- Sways between this and Anti-Hero
- The Hero: In episode 499, Legend of the Wolf. He's also this from the wolf pack's point of view.
- The Messiah: Of all the characters, HE becomes this to the past goats
- Irony: See above
- Berserk Button: Do NOT try to harm Wolnie and/or Wilie
- Papa Wolf
- The Lancer: To Weslie in the last 2 movies.
- The Power of Love: As the villain's motivation; this is his whole reason for even attempting to hunt goats
- Taken Up to Eleven in the second movie, where he manages to pull up a giant cylinder, likey 100+ times his weight, and throw it into the sky so it wouldn't crush his wife
- Adorkable
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Technically speaking. He ended up marrying Wolnie because he ate a plate of fried rice that she made- her pack told all male wolves in the canteen that she worked at that whoever eats the rice will win her hand in marriage. The rice proved too terrible. Wolffy, having missed the anouncement, snuck into the canteen for free food, and ate the whole plate. The wedding came next.
- Funny Animal
- Catch Phrase: "I'll be back for sure!"
- Launcher of a Thousand Ships
- Identical Grandson: Looks just like his grandfather (sans fur color), Huang Tai Lung/ Yellow Wolf
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: It's getting hard to distinguish who the main character is- him or Weslie
- Moe: As a cub
- Dub Name Change
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Nice Hat
- Attractive Bent Gender: Subverted. He is by no means attractive when crossdressing but everyone still gets convinced by the disguise. Played straight with his female shark costume- Leo the shark chased him all the way from the ocean to Qing Qing and apparently still wants him even after finding out he's not a female or a shark.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Niao Tai Lung/ Pee wolf, for the bad habit of wetting the bed as a cub.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: He pulls shit out of nowhere a lot.
- Doting Parent
Hong Tai Lung/ Red Wolf/ Wolnie
- Action Girl: Arguably during the finale of the second movie. Can also be seen as Faux Action Girl at times. Definitely fits the trope if abusing her mate counts as constant action.
- Tsundere
- Domestic Abuser: Hits Wolffy with a frying pan multiple times each episode. That's just one of the methods she uses to cause him pain.
- Happily Married: Despite all the beatings and complaints she delivers, she does love her husband.
- Funny Animal
- Foe Yay: With the goats, especially Tibby
- Les Yay: With Shan Tai Lung/Fragrant Wolf and Tibby in the third movie
- Rich Bitch
- Alpha Bitch
- Designated Villain
- Ms. Fanservice: There's even an episode where Weslie and Sparky seem to strip search her, after putting an apple in her mouth.
- Mama Bear
- Berserk Button: Never call her old (or ugly). And she is the only one allowed to hurt Wolffy
- Identical Grandson: Actually, she's the identical granddaughter-in-law.She's almost the splitting image of Wolffy's grandmother.
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: her pack told all male wolves in the canteen that she worked at that whoever eats the rice will win her hand in marriage. The rice proved too terrible. Wolffy, having missed the anouncement, snuck into the canteen for free food, and ate the whole plate. They got married.
- Jerkass
- Pet the Dog: There are moments where she is genuinely loving toward her husband.
- And whenever she's being motherly toward Wilie
- The Chick: When Wolffy is seen as The Hero
- Official Couple: With Wolffy
- Ship Tease: With Tibby, Fragrant Wolf, and almost every male animal (inlcuding Patty) in the episode where she lost her memories.
- And with White Wolf, her first lover, who she still fantasizes about sometimes.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Whenver anyone says Tibby (or another animal) is better looking than her. When she thinks of Wolffy with any other female carnivore (especially Pink Fox)
- Lethal Chef: Seems to be competent at making fried rice. This can't be said for everything else.
- Dub Name Change
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics
- Iconic Item: Frying pan!
- Affectionate Nickname: Usually addressed as "honey, darling, wife, etc." (and Xiao Hong/ Little Red in the 3rd movie), by Wolffy.
- Beauty Mark
- Doting Parent
- So Bad It's Good: According to Zhang Yu Di/ Little Squid Brother, her cooking.
- Large Ham
Xiao Hui Hui/ Little Grey/ Wilie
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: He really is ridiculously cute
- Cute Shotaro Cub
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Is now a frequently appearing main character
- Carnivore Confusion: He adresses the goats as "brother____", always greets them cheerfully, and seems to think of them as his friends. And yet he has no problem with his parents wanting to eat mutton. In the second movie, he even admits to Patty that he was trying to trick him to come to his home because Wolffy told him Patty was the dumbest, and therefore easiest goat to catch.
- He even cheers when Wolffy was about to cook Patty because his father told him "goats taste just like snowflakes because they're both white"
- As of the newest season, this trope is played straight. He refuses to eat mutton since the goats are now his friends but doesn't mind eating fish, etc.
- Day in The Limelight: He gets these quite a bit
- He even gets to be the center of a whole Story Arc in season 4, Little Grey's School Arc
- Not-so-Cute Dad's Cute Son
- Ho Yay: with Patty. As of the newest season, he goes as far as to call Patty boss
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Quickly becoming this with Patty
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad
- BestFriends: with the goats, as of the latest season
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Averted. He doesn't want Wolffy to eat the goats but he does love his parents with all his heart.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Averted again. Wolffy is still proud of him even after he caused his father to fall into the river (with pirahnas) in order to save his goat friends; instead of hitting or at least scolding him, Wolffy pats him on the head and compliments him for defending his friends.
- Now inverted- Wolffy's the one busting his ass to please Wilie.
- Moe
- Put on a Bus: Towards the end of the season 3- he was sent to his grandmother's house for the summer.
- Spoiled Sweet
- Vegetarian Carnivore: Has expressed his desire to become one as of season 4
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness
- Character Development: Arguably the most
- Heel Face Turn: Wasn't exactly a bad guy before, but is now fully on the goats' side
- Talking to Himself: Shares a VA with Patty
- The Cutie
- Pet the Dog
Jiao Tai Lung/ Banana Wolf
- Parental Abandonment: Sent to live with Wolffy because his parents were ashamed of their vegetarian son
- Vague Age:Young enough to be shipteased with Jody and old enough to marry Fragrant?
- Vegetarian Carnivore
- Gentle Giant
- I Hate You Carnivore Uncle: Variation. He doesn't approve of his uncle Wolffy but loves him regardless. Even though said uncle has attempted to do many a jerk-assey thing to him.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Guess.
- Ship Tease: With Jody and Fragrant
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: Why he didn't want to marry Fragrant.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Has no wolf friends.
- Pet the Dog: Another big contributor
Yeh Tai Lung/ Night Wolf
- Handsome Lech: Apparently, even after he's married.
- Jerkass: Yes. Freeloads constantly at Wolffy's house, bullies his cousin with abundance, complains when there's nothing to eat at Wolffy's home, enjoys visiting Wolffy just so he can tease him, and the list goes on and on.
- Foe Yay: A ridiculous amount with Wolffy. And his uncle.
- The Leader: Of the Seven Evil/Deadly Wolves
- Big Badass Wolf
- BestFriends: Arguably with the wolf pack.
- Ho Yay: With Wolffy and the Wizard.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With the Wizard.
- Pretty Freeloader: Whenever he shows up at Wolf Castle, he never leaves for the duration of the episode. Then he demands mutton. Makes him more of a Jerkass when you consider the fact that he's not even supposed to go to Wolffy's home for New Year's, being the older cousin- in Chinese tradition, they're all supposed to go the eldest relative's home, not the youngest!
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In the Chinese dub, he sounds like a girl despite being older than Wolffy. The English dub averts this
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: And how! He seems to betray Wolffy at every turn. In the 2nd movie, he and the pack join the Big Bad to confiscate Grey Wolf's castle (and beat him up while they're at it). In the 3rd movie, they evict him from the pack for not being able to catch goats (even though they didn't fare much better) and proceed to take his castle again. Not to mention, the whole pack leader rivalry.
- Official Couple: With Shang Tai Lung
- Henpecked Husband: After getting married to Wolnie's cousin, he pretty much suffers the same abuse as Wolffy
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Talking to Himself: Has the same VA as Weslie
Shang Tai Lung/ Fragrant
- Les Yay: With Wolnie
- Official Couple: With Night Wolf
- Domestic Abuser: Seems to be a trend in Wolnie's family
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Iconic Item: Irons
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Appeared rather sweet at first glance
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics
- Jerkass
- Vague Age: Younger than Wolnie and apparently young enough to marry Banana Wolf, who's young enough to be shipped with Jody. And yet she's still old enough to marry Night Wolf.
- Ship Tease: With Wolnie, Wolffy, Banana Wolf, and Night Wolf.
Xiao Shang Shang/ Little Fragrant
- Enfant Terrible: Has already caught 200 goats and she's Wilie's age
- Ship Tease: With Wilie
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Jerk Sue
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics
- Kissing Cousins: Quite obviously has a crush on Wilie, even though she's related to Squick''both''His Parents
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Explains her friendship with Wilie
- Tsundere
- Jerkass
- Action Girl
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Hollywood Genetics: Has blue eyes while both her parents have dark ones
- Deadpan Snarker
- Blue Eyes
Xiao Bai Lung/ (Little) White Wolf
- Bishonen
- Blue Blood: Look at the way he dresses
- Prince Charming
- First Love: With Wolnie
- The Paolo: To Wolffy. White Wolf is everything he is not
- White Knight: From the wolves' point of view at least. The fact that he manages to catch and eat goats nearly everyday (a feat that's nigh impossible in this show!) probably doesn't endear him to the goats
- Gary Stu: Arguably, on Edward Cullen levels
- Walking the Earth: He refuses to settle down in one place, preferring to wander and help wolves in need
- The Ace
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Well, fur.
- Large Ham
- Determinator: If he says he'll catch you, he will catch you.
Chen Yang Zai/ The Slayer of a Thousand Goats
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Look at his title
- Our Ghosts Are Different: Technically he's a ghost, due to Wolffy's summoning machine, which pulled him through a portal and in the present timeline, resulted in his tecnically being dead. He can still move and possess solid objects. Until he's sent back to his own time by Wolffy and the goats.
- Badass: Despite being a ghost
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Does this to Wolffy in what doubles as a Curb Stomp Battle, with the whole damn castle literally shaking from how hard the blows were
- Jerkass: See above. The thing that sparked the incident? He tried to take all the goats for himself, not that Wolffy objected. Wolnie did. He then taunted the couple by telling Wolffy to get his wife to do a dance for him. Not pleased, Wolffy attacks and the fight starts
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Implied
- Famous Ancestor: He's well known for slaying a thousand goats
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: How many goats has he killed?
- Large Ham
Wu Da Lang/ Martial Wolf
- Famous Ancestor: He puts the Slayer of a Thousand Goats to shame
- Arch Enemy: To Luan Mie Mie
- Badass
- Badass Mustache: Curled too
- Eyepatch of Power
- The Leader: He is the founding father of Grey Wolf's pack.
- Badass Longcoat: And it's red
- Pirate: Just take a look at his design
- Nice Hat
- Shout-Out: To Wu Da Lung of Water Margin fame. Although they are the same In Name Only
- Multigenerational Household: He is Wolffy's great-great-great-great-great-great-great....great-great grandfather
- Family-Unfriendly Violence: One of the worst offenders on the show. In episode 499, which involve Time Travel, he pulls out a sword and knifes Wolffy in the face, resulting in the latter's defining scar
- Jerkass
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Told his pack to starve themselves so they could become thin enough to enter the goat village gate. They all starved to death.
- Named After Somebody Famous
Bao Bao Da Len/ Master Pao Pao
- Badass: Has his moments
- Bald of Awesome
- Dark Secret: He's... gasp!... bald.
- Judge, Jury, and Executioner: Can hold trials all by himself.
- Affectionate Parody: Of Bao Qing Tien, a real Chinese figure revered for his justice.
- Doubles as a Shout-Out
- Named After Somebody Famous: See above.
- Ho Yay: With Brother Tai. And sometimes Mr. Slowy.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Brother Tai, more often than not.
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Inspector Javert
Tai Guh/ Brother Tai
- Punny Name: Tai Guh and "tiger"
- Narcissist: Oh yes.
- Carnivore Confusion: For some reason, (like practically every other non-wolf in the show) is friends with the goats
- Cannot Spit It Out: To the Tigress Teacher/Sister Tigress.
- Will They or Won't They?: Again with Sister Tigress.
- Ho Yay: With Pao Pao and Wolffy.
- Foe Yay: His Ho Yay with Wolffy sometimes overlaps with this.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Apparently has weak shoulder muscles.
- Muscles Are Meaningful
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Dark Secret: He cuddles with a stuffed tiger at night.
Bien Zuay Luen/ Flat Billed Luen
- Mr. Fanservice: In-Universe
- Informed Attractiveness
- Informed Ability: His "amazing" singing voice.
- Named After Somebody Famous: Jay Chou?
- Captain Ersatz: See above.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal
Fen Hong Hu Li/ Pink Fox
- Vixen
- Ship Tease: With Wolffy
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Appears sweeter than Wolnie. They're not really that different. She's actually arguably worse.
- Not What It Looks Like: With Wolffy in almost every one of her appearances
- Affectionate Nickname: Xiao Hong/ Little Red, Fen Hong Mei Zeh/ Little Pink Sister, all by Wolffy
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: She's a fox. And pink to boot. And a bit too affectionate with a married character.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
Xiao Jing Ling/ (Little)Fairy
- Jerkass Genie: He's willing to enslave Patty, frame others to avoid getting in trouble, and is generally useless. Not so much a Jerkass as plain incompetent.
- Ambigous Gender: The fairy's a he, according the pronouns used on him.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Cross-Dressing Voices: A clear woman's voice.
- Our Fairies Are Different
- Identical Stranger: To Jody, just with a beak.
- Three Wishes: He promised to grant these to anyone that finds his diamond for him. According to him, wishing for more wishes is against the rules. Wolffy learns this the hard way.
- The Ditz
- Irony: He's the same size as Jody, but has the adjective "little" in his name.
- Cloudcuckoolander
Xiao Sa Ge/ Carefree Brother/ Jolly/ The Shining Prophet
- The Load
- It's All About Me
- Butt Monkey
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Darky's Abel... in a very loose sense.
- Large Ham
Hei Da Suai/ The Black Marshall/ Darky
- Badass
- Cain and Abel: The Abel.
- Big Bad: Of Season 2.
- Large Ham
- Heel Face Turn
- Blind Without'Em: Has poor vision apparently.
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